All I needed was a masquerade mask and it was the perfect masquerade costume. I always loved the idea of disguising oneself and looking mysterious. Like in the movies where the mystery girl is discovered by her prince charming as he unveils her identity and then sweetly kisses her. Okay, maybe that's not what comes to your mind, but I'm a sucker for romances. I do believe there are masquerades happening every day though. Maybe they don't openly wear masks, but some people don't act like themselves and put on a masquerade. Perhaps it's because they are insecure or want to impress their friends. Whatever the reason, I am always sad when I see people like that. Masquerade (according to dictionary.com) can be defined as a "false outward show." I think this describes exactly many of the people I am talking about. They put on a show for their peers or friends to gain popularity. It's like people aren't happy with how God made them! Everyone has a distinct personality and their own gifts that makes them who they are. There is not one snowflake alike and there is certainly not one human being alike. If you put on a facade to disguise who you truly are, you are defeating the purpose of life. If you want to be like everyone else, who is going to be you? I think what makes life fun in people and the variety they bring. Sure, no one's perfect and people will let you down, but you've got to love the joy your family brings when you when they comment on how talkative you are or how you've got beautiful eyes. Why put on a masquerade when you can just be yourself?

"On the contrary, we speak as men approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts. You know we never used flattery, nor did we put on a mask to cover up greed—God is our witness. We were not looking for praise from men, not from you or anyone else."
I love this verse because it says we don't live to please men, but God. People who put on fake masquerades or "masks to cover up greed" are living to please men. Do you know how ridiculous that sounds when compared to God? Men are imperfect! It is impossible to please all of us. We are so finicky by nature and don't even know what we want, let alone what we want of other people. And let me tell you, it's exhausting trying to please men all of the time! I find myself flat on my face every time I attempt to do everything according to man's standard. Luckily, I don't have to. I would much rather please God and live life for Him, according to His grace and love.
2 Corinthians 11:14
"And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light."
This verse scares me more than comforts me. When looking up masquerade in a Bible concordance, I came across Satan. Yep, the once great angel who fell because of his pride and because he thought he was better than God. He may not be red with devil horns and a pitch fork, but he is certainly real. In fact, you might not even notice him because he masquerades himself as an angel of light. An angel of light! Satan is the ultimate masquerader and disguises as something good, not bad. In all of his master lies, he always hides them up with some truth. Oh, well "you surely won't die" he sneakily hints to Adam and Eve as they eat from the forbidden tree and became the first humans that sinned. Just be careful the next time you think of masquerading yourself under peer pressure or insecurity. You don't need a mask to cover up your great personality or beautiful features. The prince of peace (Jesus) will take that mask off of you and show your beauty to everyone. He created you in His image and loves you just like that. Stop hiding behind a masquerade.-Full moon picture and masquerade mask both found on Google.