Matthew 28:19-20 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
The Great Commission: the last words Jesus commanded when he ascended into heaven, to be with God until His future return (Revelation). He told us to "GO!" and make disciples, teaching them everything He commanded us. To go and preach the good news, the good news of Jesus Christ-His love and eternal salvation. This is what He wants us to do, and it is our (Christians) purpose in life. I am not suggesting to go door to door and share with every stranger in your path, "Hey, did you hear about the good news? Jesus loves you and he wants you to trust in Him because He died for your sins." This is one approach, but isn't the most effective. I believe we need to share the good news with our family, friends, and people we've already built relationships with. I'll admit that people are more likely to listen to a good friends versus a complete stranger on the street.
The sermon this morning was on witnessing, and last night was Fields of Faith (an FCA-Fellowship of Christian Athletes event), which is a night of student testimonies and speakers sharing the Gospel. Every time I hear a testimony or someone preach about the Gospel, I simply burn with more and more passion for Jesus, whom I trust in with all my heart. He can truly turn people's lives around for the better and performs miracles beyond belief. Look at us! We are His perfect creation and a miracle in itself. I also enjoy listening to testimonies because it makes me feel like I am not the only one. I am not the only Christian in this world, though sometimes I fall into that lie. Satan wants me to think I am all alone, but I know that is not the truth. Jesus is the truth and He says otherwise. He gives me the strength to continue, even if I am the only one.
One of the adult youth pastors that spoke, talked about the story in 2 Kings chapters 6-7. I remember reading this in my daily Bible reading a few weeks ago, though I never thought about in the way he mentioned it. In the story, there was a dreadful famine in Samaria. People were literally eating their own babies they were so ravenous (pretty gross, huh?). A donkey's head was 80 shekels (2 pounds) of silver and a cab of seed pods (otherwise known as "doves' dung" or poop, also disgusting) was worth 5 shekels (2 ounces) of silver. In the midst of this dreadful time, four men with leprosy were at sitting at the city gate, pondering what to do. They figured if they went in the city, they would die of starvation, and if they went to the camp of the Arameans and surrendered, they would survive. When they arrived at the camp, it was completely deserted (because God had sent a noise like an army marching which caused the entire city to flee). Inside the tents were plenty of food and water to drink, which was like finding a treasure chest of gold. The lepers began to feel guilty and reported it to the royal palace. The king and all of Samaria got to share in the "good news" and were saved from starvation and death.
Perhaps you know where the youth pastor was going with this. It's a perfect analogy for the real "good news" of Jesus Christ and how we are commissioned to share it will everyone. Don't you see? They (non-believers) are the ones who are missing out. They are the ones who are starving and have no hope of salvation. We are the lepers-the disciples of God, called to share the good news with everyone, so that they may share in the joy and life that Jesus brings. This analogy spoke perfectly to me, and I realized that I needed to be more active in sharing my faith (starting with this blog!). I have witnessed to multiple friends, but they simply didn't understand. I truly do want everyone to share in this joy, this life that Jesus brings. In John 10:10 Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." Being a Christian and committing your life to following and trusting in Him, is not following a list of rules and being a "party pooper." It brings life! And life to the full! I am not missing out on the "fun" of the world with its drinking, drugs, sex, and lack of morals. They (the world) is missing out on the joy of the Lord! The creator of the universe who brings us life (and to the full!).
The word "good" cannot describe how phenomenal the news of Jesus Christ is. It's better than any good news we have ever heard. The salvation Jesus brings through God's grace and mercy is something we don't deserve, but have access to despite our sinful nature. I want to be like the four lepers in the story, who shared the good news with everyone so that they wouldn't miss out. I want to share the miraculous good news of Jesus with the world! <><
-Waterfall picture taken by Bubbly :)
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