Galatians 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."
Does your life have a purpose? This may seem like a random, deep, philosophical question, but it is something I feel the need to address. It is certainly not a question you might ask yourself everyday you wake up. Even if you know the answer, it is not normally a thought that enters your mind while you eat breakfast.
Last night at youth group, the memory verse was Galatians 2:20. In our small group discussions, we talked about what the verse meant to us (each person's varied). My answer was with a raspy voice resembling a dying animal (I'm still not recovered from my voice problem, but I can at least "barely" talk), but I'm sure people in my group still understood what I was saying. Once you make that personal commitment and have a true relationship with God, you change completely. Just like Saul in the Bible (Acts 9) was transformed from a murderer and persecutor of Christians to a Christian himself, Paul. In my opinion, Paul was one of most radical, on-fire for Jesus Christians who accomplished writing most of the New Testament (if I recall correctly it was 13 books) and was the main instrument in preaching the Gospel all over the world so it can exist today! Obviously, Paul's life drastically changed the moment God called him on the road to Damascus and opened his eyes to the truth.
My story isn't quite as exciting, but my life changed as well. I was practically born in the church, but when I was eleven or twelve, I began questioning things. Everyone has their doubts at some point, but if you evaluate those doubts, it can lead to a greater understanding and faith! I know for a fact that God exists and He sent His son Jesus for us to die and the cross and save our sins. Because I believe in Him and put my trust in Him, I know that the moment I die, I will go to heaven and celebrate eternity with my Creator. What's my purpose in life? To live for Jesus, my Savior and friend, glorifying Him in all that I do and sharing His good news with the world! I don't necessarily ponder this thought every day once I wake up, but I am reminded by it constantly. Life is completely turned around when life has a purpose and you know why you're where you are. The number one question in life, which most people declare impossible is: "what is the meaning of life"? I am glad I have conquered that question and know exactly what I am here for. It is all about Him-Jesus Christ, and "I no longer live but Christ lives in me." He directs my life and has a plan for me already. All I have to do is follow Him through all of the adventures. This is my purpose in life.
~Thanks to the Creator of life for giving us purpose. <>< (photo at "freefoto.com")
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