We're not supposed to

Anyway, Michelle is the nicest, most generous person I know. She gives without even thinking twice about it! She is so compassionate towards everyone and loves no matter what. She is constantly complimenting everyone, lifting up their day. This is just a shout out to "Michelle" because she is and AWESOME friend! Prior to the dinner and dance, Michelle spent most of the time curling my hair - so much that she barely had time to finish her own! She let me borrow her gorgeous red gown for prom, including the necklace to match it. Michelle also gave me her beautiful white dress, and even a shirt! She let me have her eyeshadow kit and some time ago treated me out to a delicious snow cone. During the snow cone day, she spent over an hour encouraging me because I was having a bad day and couldn't stop crying. Michelle also has guided me through a difficult time in my life when I was having boy problems, giving me advice and giving me the perfect devotional book that helped her through her problems, and greatly improved my mood about the issue. She still continues to encourage me through her own blog, and invited me to her youth group (mine wasn't working out). I could spend hours explaining in detail all of the wonderful things Michelle has done. Clearly, she is living out Mark 9:35.
Jesus, the king of the world, came as a servant. Talk about confusing! Why would a king serve? Much less the perfect king? We are the sinful ones, if anything, we should have been serving Jesus. But Jesus is the prime example of serving. He even went as far as to wash his disciples' feet, a dirty, but necessary job back then. It was reserved for servants. You see, Jesus goes against the status quo and says, "The last shall be first." In His eyes, a servant is first. Because to put yourself below others is an act of humility. It follows the second greatest commandment: loving your neighbor as yourself. Which is exactly what my friend Michelle has been doing her whole life. And God bless her! I know her reward will be great in Heaven. :)Mark 9:35 (NIV)
"Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, 'If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all.'"
-Pink princess prom dress picture from Google. It's not quite like Michelle's, but it is as poofy! :)Matthew 22:37-39 (NIV)
"Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"
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