Did you know the Bible says we should be like a child? Not in the "immature, act silly" sort of way.
Mark 10:13-15This story is so amazing! It shows how God cares for little children as much as adults. He values them even though they're naive and don't know much. But that's just it-they are innocent. Not perfectly innocent in the form of no sin, but they are innocent in the naive way. They are innocent from worldly corruption like alcohol, sex, and drugs. Things that (I hope) little children won't see. So what does Jesus mean when he says "I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it"? He doesn't mean only seven year olds can go to heaven! Notice how He says "receive the kingdom of God." Receiving is like accepting, for example a gift. It's only six days away from Christmas, so I'm sure gifts is on your mind! God's greatest gift was Jesus-but it's only great if we accept Him into our lives. It's easy to open a Christmas present, so why can't we receive Jesus with the same attitude? After all, He payed the ultimate price.
"People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.'"
When God says receive, He is referring to faith. Accepting Jesus Christ is an act of faith. It's one thing to believe, but it's another to trust (see "Trust" post). You not only have to believe that God exists, but also trust in Him and His plan completely. I think faith is a combination of the two. A simple math equation, if you will, to put it into simpler, childlike terms. Faith = believing + trusting. See, as easy as 2+2=4 (well, the understanding part is, not necessarily the following part)! I still haven't gotten to the child part, though. God relates this simple equation to a child. But, why? We've already established that children are innocent and naive, because they haven't been exposed to the world's evil and corruption. The main message is similar. God wants us to have faith like a child. Think of a child's point of view. They haven't been exposed anything different than what they've been told. Gullible isn't exactly the best word to describe faith (okay, not at all), but children are gullible. If you tell them something, they'll believe you. They are also naive (similar to gullible) and don't know other perspectives or opposing views. What happens when a child is told the gospel? The same thing: they accept it with no questions asked, acting merely on faith. Now, I'm making a lot of generalizations here, but I want try and make my point clear. I'm not saying that people with faith are gullible and that because they don't have other perspectives, they can't think for themselves and must rely another person's judgment. I love the idea of faith. I mean, isn't that what faith is? Believing and trusting in something when you don't have all of the answers? Perhaps children really understand the meaning of faith. They trust in people without raising their eyebrows and attempting to validate their sources. It's faith.
A friend of mine told me last summer that my faith was like a child. I pondered that statement for a second, and then asked, "That's good, right?" She responded, "Of course it's good. That means that you can believe and trust in God with no strings attached. You act only on faith and believe with your whole heart." I thought about it for a second, and then was thankful God gave me this faith. Naturally, I am naive. I really don't want to know about the world or its evil ways. But, then again, I know there's a day for everyone to grow up (and whether I like it or not, it's all around me-I'm in high school for goodness sake!). I can still hold onto my childlike faith, though. Sure, I've got some growing up to do, but that's one thing I'll never grow out of. I still like watching children's movies, but I know they're wholesome and innocent. Just like me, thanks to Jesus, I want to be innocently yours....
-Love, Dory :)
(Dory picture from Google)
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