My morning began with slamming my snooze twice, only to finally turn it off completely (this rarely happens) after silently becoming angry with it. I fell asleep completely, had a half an hour long dream, and then woke up to realize I accidentally over slept. Talk about a bad start! Despite my attempt to prevent any of this from happening, by going to bed at 9, I was still extremely tired. The feeling of getting awoken from deep sleep is one of the worst feelings in the world (or at least for me). There's an overwhelming urge to stay behind the comfort of warm covers and forget about reality. Unfortunately, I must face my life. Whether I'm ready or not, I know I have to get up and start the day, Tuesday or not. The weather outside didn't greet me with sunshine and warm hands. No, I slept walked out into -2 degrees Fahrenheit! If I wasn't fully awake yet, I certainly was after that greeting. The high for today was 6 degrees. Woot! Sometimes I think God has a test for me everyday-just to see if I truly trust in Him with all of my heart. The test today was the fact it was Tuesday. More specifically, keeping a positive attitude on the inevitably of Tuesday.
It's days like these I love Christian radio. I don't see how Christians cannot take advantage of this amazing resource! If you claim you don't have time for reading the Bible or praying, the least you can do is turn on the radio in your car. It's not a coincidence when you hear the perfect song on the radio. It can turn around your gloomy Tuesday, put a smile on your face, and even help you in a trial or struggle. Shivering in my dad's leather-seated Buick, I heard the most beautiful violin and string melody. Suddenly, my Tuesday seemed like it had some hope, and unintentionally, I slipped away into a happy mood. The song is called "Best of Me" by The Letter Black.
A fellow violinist, I immediately yearned for the music and wanted to play it myself. However, not only is the music gorgeous and uplifting, the message is just what I needed!
"If I could find yesterday
I would take You back to where I'm coming from
Cause You can see the way
All these scars have kept me running
And chasing down the past
But I'm not done, I'm turning back
I swear, You're the only reason I keep breathing
I swear, You keep on giving me the reason to keep believing
Finally I'm worth it, though I'm not perfect
It still feels right, and I keep on giving
Trying to make a difference, in my life
But I know another way to show
Everything I can be for You
You're all that I'll ever need
I'll give you the Best of Me
If I could read tomorrow's mind
I would know exactly where You're taking me
If I'm going to slip away
Or if I stay and give You all my trust
You will keep me safe
I know You won't let me fade
Oh, I know I believe it
No, I will be turning around
I want to know You now
Your Love won't let me down, no!"
Well, I considered writing my own song about what I'm going through right now. But, I guess I already found one that explains it all! There really are no coincidences in life. Everything is for a purpose and part of God's plan. I can't count the number of times I've seen this (everyday!). It's just proof of God working in our lives.
Although I was overly tired, freezing cold, and in a bad mood on this typical Tuesday, I changed my perspective. I analyzed the situation and was reminded of the reason I'm alive. Just as the song suggests, I need to give God the "best of me." His love won't let me down, and I need to trust in Him that this Tuesday isn't going to be terrible (like I thought). It's His joy I live on, anyway! I'm not the most confident person, but I shouldn't be that way. I have every reason to be confident-I have confidence in Jesus Christ and the person God created me to be. This is more than the most popular student at school has. As much wealth, popularity, or beauty you may have, it's nothing compared to the hope I have in Christ. Today, I found myself constantly comparing myself to others. "She's prettier, skinnier, and more popular than I am. He's smarter than I am and has better grades. She's more outgoing with boys than I am, I wish I had more guy friends. He's a genius at the violin. Why does everyone seem to have better lives than me?" These thoughts don't produce anything other than gloom. Is that what God intended me to do with my life? No! He tells me in His word to think on good things.
God created everyone differently. Just as every snowflake is unique, no one person is alike. Because of this, it's absolutely futile to compare yourself to others or think on these things. There's also no reason to not be confident. Jesus gave me everything I ever needed, and I don't need to ever worry again. He made me a beautiful, gifted, confident young woman and never wants me to forget that.
Philippians 4:8
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."
It's a Tuesday. Although I normally dislike Tuesdays, and although they have every reason for being loathed, I developed a different perspective today. Through a lovely song, some worthwhile thinking, and my Savior's love, this Tuesday and turned from typical to unique, from terrible to terrific. It's all about your attitude. I'm so thankful for God and the confidence He brings. I have to admit, I was feeling insecure and jealous today. I certainly wasn't thinking on "good" things like Philippians 4:8 commands. Luckily, I realized my hope in Christ. He will never let me down and created me unique. I guess Tuesdays aren't so bad after all...
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