Gorgeous yellow flower!

Gorgeous yellow flower!
Picture taken by Bubbly :)

Sunday, January 31, 2010


On Monday I declared myself a failure at life. It might seem a little extreme for a girl with a 4.2 GPA, who's 1st chair second violin in orchestra, and (above all else) has Jesus for a personal Savior. I ignored these facts, and instead chose to focus on the negatives. Monday was just a terrible day! Everything seemed to be going wrong and I felt like a failure. I also chose to ignore what calling myself a failure does to God. He created me and gave me my talents! If I'm a failure, that's suggesting that He is too. But that's not what I mean at all! God is perfect. Last time I checked, perfect is the opposite of failure.

It started with the cheerio bars. I volunteered to make 150 peanut-butter cheerio bars for an FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) fundraiser. I even sacrificed my Saturday morning! Unfortunately, my mother's amazing recipe is foreign to the average teenager. "What's a cheerio bar?" most people asked while glaring at the seemingly gross substance before them. I had to explain to them that it's just like a rice-krispee treat, but with peanut butter and cheerios. It really is better than a boring rice-krispee treat! If they would just try them, I'm sure we would have sold out in minutes. But, I was left selling cheerio bars all week. If that wasn't discouraging enough, the majority of people claimed they didn't have money with them! I felt like a hopeless mess.

The day progressively got worse. At lunch I asked a friend how the speech team did (since I had to work, and was making cheerio bars during the competition, luckily mine was pre-recorded). He said that 19 out of our 21 teams made it to state. This was exciting! But when I asked which ones did not make it, I was fortunate enough to hear that I belonged to the two losing teams. How wonderful! My math teacher asked if I felt better after lunch. If only he knew how much worse I felt! I told him I felt like a failure and he reassured me that I wasn't. But I still doubted that as I thought ahead to my orchestra auditions at night. If I didn't think negative thoughts about the past, or the present, you can be sure I thought negatively about the future! I know it's silly and pointless. But Satan was using my mind as a fortress for a low self-esteem. When I went home, I explained my horrible day to my dad, and he just criticized me! I ran to my room crying and thought that everyone thought I was as much of a failure as I felt.

Remember how I said that God is perfect? I found this neat verse in Hebrews:

Hebrews 2:10 (NIV)

"In bringing many sons to glory, it was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering."

I never thought I would see the phrase "perfect through suffering." Yet, here it is, plainly seen in the Bible! My failures turned into perseverance and built character. My suffering was made perfect through God's salvation. You want to know the end of the story and my horrible Monday? It worked out fine. In fact, my worst fear of not selling the cheerio bars and becoming stale were eliminated when I sold my last four bars Thursday morning. The speech team failure wasn't my fault, even though I told myself it was (Satan is the father of lies). My orchestra audition that I was afraid of failing, wasn't a complete failure. I got eighth chair, but the amazing thing is the audition excerpts they chose. It was the easiest part of the song! This was a gift from God and made my Monday better. My week as a whole was difficult, but I learned the value of perseverance.

James 1:2-4 (NIV)

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
Even though I felt like a failure at life on Monday, I persevered and held on to the hope of Jesus, who is right by my side through every obstacle. It all works out according to His plan. I had planned to sell every cheerio bar Monday morning. This obviously wasn't God's plan, considering we sold them till Thursday. But if I had given up, then I wouldn't have accomplished anything. Trusting in God is difficult when you feel like a failure. But through every trial, I know that He is teaching me an important lesson. Last week's lesson: perseverance.

~God doesn't view me as a failure in life, and neither are you! God bless you all! <3 Jesus loves you. :)

-Failure picture: I found this cool saying about failure on Google. It keeps everything in perspective!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

I'm a sucker for corny children's movies. Tonight, I watched a cartoon called "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs," by Sony Pictures. I was reluctant to return to my favorite pastime, for fear of "growing out of it," but I realized that you can never grow out of being a kid. My favorite movie is Finding Nemo. Yes, the humor is corny. But I like it. Yes, the plot is predictable. But I'm okay with that. Yes, children's movies are simple and sometimes boring. But I don't think so!

Movies these days are inappropriate, violent, and immoral. At least, I think so. 99% of the Americans might disagree. They are desensitized. Some people (who I feel sorry for) don't even know the difference! Perhaps children growing up in this century are just used to the time period. Unfortunately, we live in a corrupt world. More so than even 50 years ago. This is scary! I am constantly horrified by each new perverted television show added to the list. To each swear word added to even children's movies. There's no escaping it. But I try to -my hiding place is in kid's movies. I lead a sheltered life, because I want to live a pure life. As the title of my blog suggests, I want to be "innocently yours" Lord.

John 15:18-19

"'If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.'"
Choosing to live for Christ is not the easiest route. It's the road less traveled. (But there are far more benefits than disadvantages!) It's difficult to be the only Christian in a crowd of my friends. The only one who believes the truth. I want nothing more than to let everyone I know of God's love, to be a light to them, and to truly live for Jesus! But that's a more easily stated goal than easily achieved. My friends and acquaintances (even perfect strangers) don't get it. I'm praying for God to open their eyes, because it's not easy to take the hugest leap of faith! I get ridiculed. I get made fun of. Not in a cruel way, but it's not exactly accepting. But then I realize that it shouldn't be! John 15:18-19 says the world will hate me, but only because I'm not part of it! That's why I choose to watch children's movies and isolate myself from corruption. It hated Jesus too. But He was perfect! Wow. How could we hate the only perfect man ever to walk the earth? At least that makes me feel better, I'm used to it. People aren't going to love and accept me for being a Christian. But that's life. I'm willing to endure hardships and persecution if it furthers God's kingdom by just one person. I hope the number is far greater! The Bible says that trials will only create perseverance.

Romans 5:3-4

"Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope."
Although it was just a children's movie, I actually gained some things from watching "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs." I caught on to some AP Language Arts and Composition skills (amazing, isn't it?), God revealed to me some spiritual ideas, and I had a good laugh on more than one occasion. I even enjoyed a corny cartoon romance, while relating it to my own experience, and discovered a conclusion. Is it even possible to think all of these things while watching a children's movie? For me it is. Possibly only me (what can I say? I'm a girl with a knack for talking, thinking, and analyzing).

Here is a brief synopsis of the movie according to fandango (I feel the need to pull out a paper bag puppet now):

"Inspired by Ron and Judi Barrett's beloved children's book of the same name, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs follows inventor Flint Lockwood and a brainy weathergirl as they attempt to discover why the rain in their small town has stopped, and food is falling in its place. Meanwhile, lifelong bully Brent relishes in tormenting Flint like he did when they were kids, and Mayor Shelbourne schemes to use Flint's latest invention -- a device designed to improve everyone's lives -- for his own personal gain." ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide

I remember reading the book when I was little. It was a great book-the idea imaginative and creative. But the movie went above and beyond! I read some reviews on it, and most critics claimed it was far more sophisticated for the intended audience. I agree. Not all children's movies, or cartoons for that matter, are automatically childish and simple. In fact, I've seen quite a few that even my parents and grandparents have enjoyed! Perhaps you could have predicted the plot, but I couldn't. It surprised me at every turn (but, my family agrees that most movies do... so I might not be a reliable source).

Outside of the movie's intended, actual purpose, I discovered some spiritual related purposes. The entire moral of the story, was to never quit inventing, to love your family and to realize that everyone has a purpose in life. The introduction caught me off-guard, and sparked some AP Lang. thoughts. It began with something like this: "Have you ever thought that you were different? That you were the only one in the world who could do something great, but no one else saw it? That's me." This was an effective introduction, and the music applied as well. I love it when a movie is good, but when the music is phenomenal as well, I'm in 7th heaven! Anyway, it ended the movie with the main character, who originally lacked appreciation from his father, hugs his dad when he tells him he loves him. This is, of course, seconds after he saved the entire world from hurricanes, tornadoes, and showers of giant hot dogs, meatballs, and any other food imaginable, from conquering everything. Okay, it sounds corny, but just watch the movie! It really is much better.

Anyway, back to the spiritual purpose. I found multiple references that I felt God was revealing to me. One of the characters, who developed as a dumb-jock bully in the main character, Flint's elementary school. He was the "popular" guy, with all the girls, in the town. Once Flint, the mad scientist, crazy inventor, who I actually found nice and funny, with a unique personality, becomes famous, Brent (the dumb-jock) is left with nothing. He screams, "I don't know what my purpose in life is anymore? Who am I?" When Flint is left to use his flying car to venture into the giant meatball-that is, his invention-that creates the food, and save the world, Brent agrees to come. I thought, why are they letting him come, how can he be useful? Since it's a movie, I did predict that he was going to become valuable. But I was clueless as to how. It turns out (which, by the way is entirely unpredictable, unless you possess the brain of sci-fci geek, no offense to all you guys, I'm actually kind of one myself... Star Wars and the Matrix-amazing!), the team encounters a gang of giant, headless, cooked chickens, who attempt to attach them! Brent gets eaten by one, and then... to my surprise, he becomes it! Yes, it's weird, but it was actually hilarious in the context of the movie. I literally laughed out loud (isn't "lol" far too clique anyway?). He became their hero by warding off the angry mob of chickens and saving the day.

Far too often, we overestimate God's plan for even the simplest things or people. But even the most, seemingly, hopeless cases, He can use. Actually, throughout the entire film, I found evidence of cases that worked out perfectly. I know a movie isn't reality, but it was interesting to see how everything worked together. Just like real-life, God makes everything work out according to His plan. It may not appear so, but I am confident that "in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28).

I have to admit, although I thought about some deep, philosophical ideas during this movie, I laughed about every 15 minutes. It was just hilarious! I enjoy a good laugh, and I think I don't laugh enough! I read this morning in my Bible in Psalm 126:2, "Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, 'The LORD has done great things for them.'" I know that God enjoys humor. He made our bodies to be able to laugh, so I think it serves a purpose, just like everything in creation! One of the humorous parts is where Flint lost his USB drive that was supposed to save the world, and is depending on his technologically inadequate father to go into his lab and e-mail it to him. Actually, the world was depending on this. It reminded me of my mother and grandparents, trying to become caught up with the world. My grandma probably fit the description of Flint's dad best. He didn't understand how to "move a file" with the mouse, let alone find the ever-important "send" button, which he discovered shortly after a pile of food crushed his house. With a dramatic scene of coming out of the pyramid of food, he saved the world by pressing send. I couldn't help but burst into laughter. Someday, older generations might get the hang of technology (at least, I sure hope so...).

One of my favorite, and personal parts of the movie is the relationship between Flint, and his new crush, an intelligent weather woman, who happens to share his love for jello (sorry, just a funny side note). Anyway, I think the connection is adorable, and it makes me dream of my future "nerd," as I like to call him. I'm years away from marriage (or dating again, for that matter...), but I like the idea of having a husband, and someone to spend the rest of my life with! (I'm pretty sure girls think about this way more than guys! Which is why we're suckers for romances. <3) You can call me crazy, like my brother, but I consider myself a nerd. I'm even wearing glasses this moment! I don't wear makeup, and care more about homework than about my social life. Learning is fun, and I don't mind being recognized for my intelligence. I'm in no way "normal." But who wants to be normal? Someday, I'll meet a book-worm, different guy wearing glasses. I know that God has in store for me, an attractive, intelligent, Christ following, sweet, "nerd," with common interests, and who loves me for me! :)

-First movie picture, Book picture, Movie synopsis, Send button picture, Couple picture (from the movie!)

Monday, January 25, 2010


Are you living? You may think it's a simple question and answer: "Yes, I do believe I am breathing and my heart is beating." I think there's more complexity lying beneath, though. This morning I finished reading Psalm 119-the longest psalm in the Bible, comprised of 176 verses. It's now one of my favorite psalms. Throughout it, the word "life" is mentioned twelve times. You probably think it's not significant, but every time it's used in the same way.

25 I am laid low in the dust; preserve my life according to your word.

37 Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according
to your word.

40 How I long for your precepts! Preserve my life in your righteousness.

50 My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life.

88 Preserve my life according to your love, and I will obey the statutes of your mouth.

93 I will never forget your precepts, for by them you have preserved my life.

107 I have suffered much; preserve my life, O LORD, according to your word.

109 Though I constantly take my life in my hands, I will not forget your law.

Hear my voice in accordance with your love; preserve my life, O LORD, according to your laws.

154 Defend my cause and redeem me; preserve my life according to your

156 Your compassion is great, O LORD; preserve my life according to your laws.

159 See how I love your precepts; preserve my life, O LORD, according to your love.

I don't think God had short-term memory loss. If it's worth mentioning twice it's probably important. But twelve times in the same chapter? Most of the verses included "preserve my life." What does this mean? I don't think it should be understood completely literal, although that might be what it was originally supposed to signify. Christians can use this differently. God saves us everyday. Although we initially received salvation from Jesus' blood, God gives us life everyday also! He also preserves our life from unholy things that could shorten our life. If we just follow Him, we'll be safer all-around. And, we'll experience life to the fullest! John 10:10 is one of my favorite verses. It's God's promise for us.

John 10:10 (NIV)

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

Not only does our heavenly Father promise us life (which is a precious gift), but He gives us life to the full! God didn't intend us to treat life as this serious, negative, horrible place. We should treat every second He gives us as a gift, and be joyful! No where in the Bible does it say "don't have fun." I often overlook this detail and treat life as this serious thing. Yes, some seriousness is healthy, but we weren't created just to work. Some people think being a Christian means being a "goody-two-shoes" who follows a list of rules and can't do anything fun. Now, my idea of fun might differ from a non-believer involved in the things of this world, but I know that wholesome, God-intended "fun" is better than any noddy, dirty, perverted "fun" of the world. I experience way more joy by knowing Jesus loves me and reading His word! Telling dirty jokes, drinking, doing drugs, having sex, and everything the world considers "a good time" leave you empty. It's only temporary. But God's joy lasts for eternity.

Life isn't meant to be boring or depressing. God brings life! Embrace His perfect gift, and experience His joy! :) You might have thought you were living, but are you really?

-Life picture found on Google. I thought it accurately displayed a full life, just like my Father promises. Thank you Lord for giving me life!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Red, White, and Blue is not True Freedom

What's the one thing everyone wants in life? Is it love? That's what I thought at first. But love is more like the remedy to our problem. Freedom, however, is what we ultimately yearn for. When I turned sixteen, I screamed to all of my friends and family, "I finally have freedom!" Did I really? Sure, I could drive practically anywhere without my parents, but I did not experience true freedom. I live in America. The United States is known for freedom! It expresses it through its Constitution and laws, but is that true freedom? Unfortunately, even our democracy reveals corrupt schemes and selfish acts. Red, white, and blue doesn't symbolize true freedom. What does?

To evaluate true freedom, you must first discover truth. When polled on the streets in New York City, I bet only one out of a hundred people could give you a clear, concise definition of truth. And only one out of a thousand could give you the correct answer. Truth is not "the opposite of false." It's not anything "factual or scientifically proven. No, you will not find truth in our culture. Or at least not in most things. Truth is God. Truth is Jesus. Truth is the Bible and everything in it. True freedom only comes from God. He created us with an inner desire for freedom, and He is the only one that can fill the emptiness.

I found this song when I was looking for new songs to buy on itunes. It's perfect for everything I've been thinking about and going through. The book I'm reading now (thanks to my friend!) is called "Breaking Free," a devotional about true freedom. Ironically, the only way to attain freedom is to follow God's commands and live for Him. That seems like the opposite of freedom, right? But obedience does bring freedom. The first part in the Freedom song by Run Kid Run says "I have selfishness to blame." How true is that? We are so selfish as humans. Everything we do from day to day is consumed by our wants and needs. This sin takes us captive. Without realizing it, we become a slave to ourselves. Only Jesus can break the chains and set us free. If we choose to become a Christ follower, He can bring us initial freedom. Notice I said initial. What I didn't know (I learned from the book by Beth Moore "Breaking Free"), is that even if you're a Christian and are saved, you can still be in bondage. Here's one of the devotions:

" 'We did not follow cleverly contrived myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.' 2 Peter 1:16

In the days before I began to enjoy the fullness of Christ, I somehow knew God's Word was true and that the problem rested with me. But for the life of me, I couldn't figure out what the problem was. I served Him. I even had a love for Him, however immature. But I still fought an emptiness that kept me looking for love and acceptance in all the wrong places.

Never once in my youth did I hear the clear teaching about the Spirit-filled life. Perhaps this is the reason I refuse to shut up about it now. Either Jesus Christ can satisfy us and meet our deepest needs, or God's Word is deceptive."
I felt convinced Beth Moore was talking directly and specifically to me! Here I am, this church-going born-again Christian who reads her Bible daily and constantly tries to witness to her friends, yet I was still in a form of bondage! I thought a boyfriend would make my life complete. I thought clothes could satisfy me. I thought success through school and good grades could bring me happiness. No. I was looking in the wrong places. I knew God could satisfy me, but I wanted immediate wants. I wanted, I wanted, I wanted. Do you know how selfish that is? When I look at my life and all of the activities I spend on myself, I feel a wave of guilt splash into my stomach. Is that God's will? Will good grades and a closet full of in-style clothes last for eternity? Wow. Tough questions.

One of my friends has been bugging me (and when I say bugging I mean constantly, probably seven times, confronting me) about my schedule. I seriously have a schedule problem. The root is that I'm an overachiever, analytical, perfectionist who always tries to live up to everyone's expectations. Little did I realize, it's impossible! Do you know how ridiculous it is to make everyone like you? It's ludicrous to win approval from sinful humans, especially when you're living up to your neck in sin also! We can't do it. Only God can bring freedom. Freedom from everything. No matter what you're going through, let Him take control. How? I was thinking the same thing.

" 'You will keep in perfect peace the mind that is dependent on You, for it is trusting You.' Isaiah 26:3

Freedom from strongholds is serious business. In-depth study and deliberate application of truth are not just helpful but are absolute necessities for those who choose liberty. We win freedom on the battlefield of the mind.

Notice in Isaiah 26:3 the inclusion of trust in the life of the one who possesses a steadfast mind. Only a trusting heart will approach God honestly with the secret struggles of the mind.

When we offer a trusting heart and an honest, open mind to God, we can be sure renewal is on its way."
I wrote a blog essay a while ago about trust. It's one of the most complicated, challenging, yet crucial concept to apply to your life (sorry for all the "c"s, I like alliterations. ;). With trust comes freedom. If you trust in something other than yourself, you're giving away that sinful selfishness every human has. You're letting go and handing the wheel over to God. This is hard for us! "It's our way or the highway!" right? Not exactly. That doesn't line up with God's will or His plan.

Psalm 119:36 (NIV)

"Turn my heart toward your statutes
and not toward selfish gain."

In my daily Bible reading, I came across this verse today. I highlighted it in my Bible and pondered the meaning for a while. True wisdom comes from knowledge and application. How could I possibly apply this to my life? It starts with realizing that the world doesn't revolve around me. It's starts with escaping my busy schedule and my obligations and focusing on God's, which involves the lives of other people. My family, my friends, the poor and needy, even complete strangers on the street or that I encounter at work. Last night, I overheard a fellow employee commenting on one the the girls she checked out, who goes to her school. She said, "She is the nicest person I have ever met." Then she turned to me, with a smile on her face, and asked, "You know those people that are just nice to everyone? She is just the nicest person." Her smile should have been contagious. Instead, it brought jealousy, and guilt. I looked straight at myself and thought, "Why aren't I like that? Why don't people say that about me?" What's worse, is that I don't even know if that girl was a Christian. I don't even know if she has true freedom from sin or selfish desires. Some nonbelievers are nicer than followers of Christ. This should not be! I feel guilty myself when I think about it. Sure, I've had plenty of people comment on how "nice" I am. But am I nice to everyone 24/7? Far from it. My family annoys me, my friends make me jealous, and I judge perfect strangers based on appearance.

I just pray for Mighty God to let me be a bright light for the world, all the time. I just pray that the Prince of Peace may live in my life and bring freedom. That the Wonderful Counselor will give me advice on my hectic schedule. That the Everlasting Father will wrap me in His arms with His unfailing love. Thank you Jesus for FREEDOM!!!!!!! Not just when I received your grace and salvation the moment I believed. But everyday of my life. Lord, you save me everyday. That's true freedom.

Isaiah 9:6 "And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace"
~I love my Jesus. Forever. <3

-American flag picture, sunset picture found on Google
-Quotes from "Breaking Free Day by Day" by Beth Moore
-If you're interested, see previous post also on freedom: Freedom!

Friday, January 22, 2010


Last night I had an epiphany. I grounded myself. Not just from one thing, but from three! Call it absurd, but I was genuinely angry at myself. For the first time in a century, I didn't have homework. Given, I had other extracurricular activities, but after six I was free! While I debated about not procrastinating on homework due later, I went with my lazy impulse and did absolutely nothing. It's amazing how much time you can spend on facebook. Almost scary. I feel so guilty how I don't have the discipline to not procrastinate or to go to bed early. I'm strange in the first place when it comes to sleep. My "bedtime" is eight o'clock sharp. Don't believe I follow it. That would really be strange with my busy schedule. It's simply my bedtime that gets me the appropriate amount of sleep so I can function properly. If I stray too far from it, I am unable to do even the most ordinary day-to-day operations.

For example, today at work, a customer wanted to purchase salt. I was so used to calling for sales assistance to check out cigarettes or beer, that I just assumed he asked for a pack of cigarettes. It was busy at the time, and I had to wait for an employee older than twenty-one to get him his "imaginary"' pack. He patiently waited for five minutes before I realized he only wanted salt. The employee over twenty-one that helped me stared at me incredulously as if to say, "Did you really think you had to be 21 to ring up salt?" My incompetence didn't end there. I proceeded to ring up one package of suresoft pellet salt, only to realize later that he asked for two bags. I felt like an idiot! The customer's tone of voice didn't exactly suggest gratitude as I shyly said, "Have a good night." No. His happy "hello" turned into an angry sigh. Just one sigh was enough to almost make me cry. I shouldn't be so sensitive. Especially when I'm never going to see him again, and probably won't stay long in his memory bank. Still. I hate it when people disapprove of me or something I did. It's not like I'm normally an extremely slow cashier who never listens. I was just tired and out of it. Isn't anyone allowed to get an off day once in a while?

Let's back up to the root of the problem (not like any safety precautions will completely eradicate the ability to have off days). Last night, as I was saying, I didn't have homework. This, would automatically give me the opportunity to actually go to bed at eight (my dream for every night). I could have finished some of my homework. I could have read some of my free-read books. I could have even memorized some verses or read my Bible. Instead, I fell victim to the internet. Of all the things to hold me captive, I fell into the hands of technology. Like a controlling robot, the internet can keep you isolated from civilization for hours. I recently saw something on the news about internet addictions and how they're becoming serious problems in other countries where children don't even know how to socialize. This is sad. It even seems crazy at first glance. But the internet is like any other "idol." It gets control of your life by it's appealing "entertainment" but it only satisfies temporarily. Any form of media contains a lot of power. It has the power to consume your time, negatively influence you, and can become an idol that replaces God, the only one you should be worshiping.

Colossians 3:5 (NIV)

"Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry."

I went to bed at 10 last night, but that's late for me and I couldn't get to sleep because I was thinking and feeling guilty about staying up late doing nothing in the first place! I had no choice but to come to the conclusion to ground myself from both procrastinating and staying up late when I have a choice. With this, I decided not to spend more than ten minutes daily on facebook and not more than ten minutes for e-mail and other web-surfing. I'm just so sick. Not physically, although I could get there soon by the way I'm going. Just sick from guilt. Sick from being lazy and irresponsible. Maybe I'm too hard on myself, but I think I need some evaluations on my life.

Another thing I grounded myself from is eating dessert. I'm not going on a diet, and I'm certainly not fat, but I eat too many sweets. What can I say? I've got a sweet tooth! Ever since I was a little girl, I've studied nutrition labels and have wanted to become a nutritionist, but that doesn't mean I'm perfect in the area of health. It's easy to grab a piece of candy after every meal, or sneak a few scoops of ice cream into my diet. But only in moderation. Eating past the point when you're full is not healthy! And consuming as many sweets as healthy veggies and protein is not the best approach unless you're planning on getting type 2 diabetes. The Bible says your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. Do you know how sacred a temple is? Eating healthy, exercising, and taking care of your body is honoring God, believe it or not.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NIV)

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body."

The last thing I grounded myself from is spending money on clothes. I am a shopaholic. Not to the extreme of some people (I am debt-free), but it is a concern. My closet is a huge walk-in-closet every girl dreams of. Yet, it's stuffed full of clothes. So much that I have an overflow stuffed into my gigantic armoire. Yes, I have a problem indeed. I looked over my finances on Exel for the past year. 80% of my money went toward clothes. This is absolutely ridiculous! I feel sick to my stomach when I see my full closet and then think about children who only have one outfit. What's worse, is I keep thinking clothes will make me happy. Like I can thrive off of people's compliments or the fact that I am well-dressed. Ha! Well-dressed. What does that even mean? Does it mean people will treat you with more respect if you're "well-dressed." Will people become your friends merely based on your attire? Artificial friends might. Not genuine friends who care about the inside. And certainly, most definitely not God. He doesn't even see one of your "trendy" outfits. He doesn't care if you have American Eagle jeans or an Aeropostale sweatshirt. It doesn't make the slightest difference if you own 37 t-shirts or one. No, God cares about the heart and nothing more.

1 Samuel 16:7 (NIV)

"But the LORD said to Samuel, 'Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.'"

I think I might have disobeyed my grounding rules already. It's definitely passed eight o'clock (it's 10:23 pm!). But, I felt the need to state my thoughts before I forgot. Goodnight! :) May God teach you to evaluate your heart. Are you living for Him every step of the way? Whether it be worshiping an idol (anything other than God that takes the place of Him), or not taking care of your body, or even spending too much money on material objects, God can help you get back on track. No matter how many times you've messed up (like me at my work), God will forgive you time and time again. Just come with a heart full of repentance. Jesus' blood and the Lord's mercy will do the rest. <><

-Grounded tree picture describes another aspect or meaning of the word grounded, which applies to my message as well. My grounding can also be described as being grounded in God, who is love! Isn't that cool? It has too meanings. The whole point of grounding in the first place is to teach you a lesson. It's only for discipline and love. I'm so glad I can be grounded in God's love, which is unfailing! <3

-www. picture found on Google

-Dessert picture looks enticing. It's so just so delicious I can practically taste it right now! Maybe I shouldn't have put a picture of the very thing I'm trying to restrain from. But, I can at least look at the beauty can't I?

-Clothes picture is just fun. I love clothes! But, love is a strong word. And my love for clothes, or for anything on earth is nothing compared to God. Being trendy and in style while buying clothes that fit your personality is fun. I enjoy trying new styles and expressing my individuality through clothing. But, not when it gets excessive. I'm learning to buy in moderation and not become obsessed with life's temporary pleasures.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Prayer-The Most Important Phone Call

About a month ago, I set an alarm for 7:07 pm. The reason, you might ask (like so many of my friends and family), is for something simple, yet important. Most people say their daily prayers at night, before they go to bed. Me... I have the best intentions, believe me. But, I struggle following through. "Prayer" is mentioned 365 times in the New International Version of the Bible. I don't believe it's a coincidence that there are 365 days in the year. Perhaps, this is suggesting the importance of prayer, and that we must be reminded of it every day of the year-all 365.

Prayer is a hard concept to understand. Especially, if you haven't grown up in the church, or haven't had much experience with it. I mean, it's a little different than a phone call with your best friend. After all, you're talking with an invisible God, who happened to create the universe! It doesn't seem as easy as, "Hey, how did you do on that biology test yesterday?" Umm... God created the universe! He knows every detail about our "knowledge" on this earth, and far more than we can imagine. Is it a little intimidating talking to someone with that kind of power? Yeah. I'd say so. Sometimes, we relate God to a "best friend," but consequently overlook Him. I like to call Jesus my best friend, but He's way more than that. A best friend isn't anything compared to what He deserves. We're talking about the Lord of everything, here. Not just an ordinary human being. But, that's the power of prayer. We are barely a molecule on earth, which is a speck in the galaxy, another dot in the universe! Looking at it this way, you can be humbled pretty fast. We're nothing. Absolutely nothing. Nothing compared to God-the omniscient (all-knowing), omnipresent (He's everywhere), omnipotent (all-powerful) God. Prayer makes a molecule known to the King. It takes a sinful, guilty human being, and allows for communication, and a relationship, with Jesus.

Philippians 4:6 (NIV)

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

Prayer relieves worry. Communicating with the all-time Creator of the universe always calms my troubles. If God created the complexity of humanity, do you think He has your life under control?

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV)

"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."

Pray continually. This doesn't mean once a year, not once a week, not even once a day. It means, always be in prayer. In everything you do, ask God if it's for His glory. Thank Him for His great deeds. Remember Him when you get a glimpse of nature and see the vibrant colors of the sunset.

James 5:16 (NIV)

"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective."

Pray for each other. How encouraging is it to simply know that a friend is praying for you. How much more encouraging to know that they're praying to the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings. God can do anything. Don't underestimate His power-or the power of prayer.

1 Corinthians 7:5 (NIV)

"Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control."

Prayer prevents temptation. Satan will do anything He can to stop you from praying. A busy life could cause you to talk hours on the phone with a friend, yet not even a second with God. Is that right? Time is a gift from God. Use it wisely. Prayer can prevent all sorts of bad things from occurring. Even fifteen minutes with your heavenly Father is better than nothing.

Romans 8:26 (NIV)

"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express."

Prayer isn't easy, but the Holy Spirit will guide you. I'll be the first to admit, I don't know the "perfect" way to pray. "The Lord's Prayer" in Matthew 6 gives an example, but too many people merely recite its words, and don't use their creativity to invent their own requests or don't know how. There is no perfect prayer. Just pray from your heart and the Holy Spirit will do the rest. God knows your concerns, but prayer benefits you. After all, communication is a two way highway. The most crucial part is listening! God won't come right out and speak to you. But He will reveal Himself to you in other ways. Just ask Him to.

Matthew 21:22 (NIV)

"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."

I recently purchased a new CD from Group 1 Crew. Their song "Our Time" clearly presents the message of prayer. It explains how "Our Time"-the time between God and me, is so crucial!

-Prayer picture from Google

Sunday, January 17, 2010

"Facing Environmental Fears"

Today's sermon was on global warming. It seems like an odd topic to discuss in church, but it had a biblical message. Currently, I'm taking an AP Environmental Science class (ironically, the teacher goes to my church and was in the service today). I think it's fascinating to learn about real life issues and the dilemmas facing our generation. When I was eight years old, I hosted an endangered species birthday party. Let's just say I was a concerned third grader. My favorite animal was the tiger, which is endangered. I love it that God created animals, and I think it's horrible how we are killing off species just because of their fur or just for the sake of it sport. However, there is a fine line between loving animals and loving animals more than than humans.

My pastor began by briefly explaining some environmentalists views.

-"We are killing our planet."
-"We have to do whatever it takes to save it."
-"Even if people have to suffer."

Now, I think these views are slightly extreme, but some people do feel this way. They are so caught up in saving animal species and the environment, that they overlook human's needs. What would happen if, instead of being concerned about saving endangered species, we spent time saving people's lives? Don't you think we, as humans, who God put in charge of the earth, should worry about ourselves before an insects? I'm not completely against environmentalism or endangered species (I had a birthday party in honor of them, remember?). But, we should first be concerned about humans.

According to the Bible, the earth is passing away. Say what? Well, basically, there isn't anything we can do to stop the inevitable future. If you've read Revelations, you know that God after Judgment Day, He will destroy our world, and create a completely new creation! As for right now, it is slowly dying.

1 Corinthians 7:31 (NIV)

"those who use the things of the world, as if not engrossed in them. For this world in its present form is passing away."

That may seem depressing, but it's the truth! And, it's all part of God's plan.

2 Peter 3:7 (NIV)

"By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men."

Just like He has a plan for each and everyone of us, God has a perfect plan for the earth. And plus, He values people way more than any endangered species or animal.

Luke 12:7 (NIV)

"Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."

This is one of my favorite verses! Can you imagine God knowing the precise number of hairs on your head? What about knowing the number of hairs on all 6 or 7 billion people's heads? That's definitely too much math for me. You see, God cares about humans (His most perfect creation), way more than animals. He created us in His image!

The final words of my pastor were to enjoy the earth, but not forget to help others. We should be concerned about our neighbor and the millions of people we can impact by giving. Last week, a 7.0 earthquake struck the already poor country of Haiti. This is devastating! Think of 50,000 people who lost their lives and the rest who are hurting and hopeless. Stop crying about excessive logging or poachers and do something for people's sakes!

You must also consider future generations.

Proverbs 13:22 (NIV)

"A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children,
but a sinner's wealth is stored up for the righteous."

It's selfish to think about the "now." The truth is, we are using too many resources. But, that doesn't mean we should just stand there. Think about your children. Your "children's children." It's not fair to act recklessly and deplete all the resources so your grandchildren don't have any. There's nothing wrong (in fact, it's wonderful) to recycle and conserve energy. After all, we in America consume the vast majority of the earth's resources. That certainly isn't keeping others in mind, as Jesus would. So pile up your recycling bins and take shorter showers, because God wants us to take care of the earth. It's His gift to us. I know I enjoy the biodiversity and aesthetic pleasure of nature! Thank you Lord for your gorgeous creation. Help us to not forget others. I pray for the victims of Haiti. That they may feel your touch and know you are with them. Help us to give to them and support their needs. Amen.

Psalm 19:1-2 (NIV)

"The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge."

-Earth picture from Google. I love the song that says God's got the world in His hands. Because He does. No matter what we go through, it's all in His hands. And part of His plan! :)

-Blog post based off of my pastor's sermon today "Facing Environmental Fears."

Saturday, January 16, 2010


I just finished reading Ecclesiastes. Last year I read it with one of my good Christian friends from FCA for our accountability partner time (where we talk, read the Bible, and encourage one another in our walk with God). It's funny how a passage or book can speak to you completely different each time your read it. Actually, it's cool! I love how the Word works. First of all, it is God, secondly, He designed it to be full of encouragement, the exact second you read it. There are no coincidences. Amazing. I'm simply stunned by His plan. I LOVE God and the Bible!

At first glance, the author of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon, appears to be extremely depressed or suicidal! His first words are: "Meaningless! Meaningless! Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless" (Ecclesiastes 1:2). This is coming from a man who had everything. He was the wisest, richest, most famous king in the world! Yet, his conclusion is that it's all meaningless. Confusing? At first, but the chapter unfolds itself and explains his reasoning, which is not as depressing as it sounds.

The entire book is composed of Solomon's observations on life. He sees that people work, day after day, for ultimately nothing. Even if you possess great wealth and wisdom, like him, the same fate awaits everyone: death. This is depressing. No one wants to die or know that their work here on Earth will eventually end. The only option is for us to enjoy the time we have, then. But, even a life with "enjoyment" is not as fulfilling as a life filled with God. The last two verses reveal the true meaning of life.

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

"Now all has been heard;
here is the conclusion of the matter:
Fear God and keep his commandments,
for this is the whole duty of man.

For God will bring every deed into judgment,
including every hidden thing,
whether it is good or evil."

This was comforting. To know that, even though the idea of a temporary life filled with work, is depressing, God gives us hope. If you live respecting God and His commandments, you will be blessed. I know that Jesus gives me an indescribable joy and peace. It's like nothing of this world. Not even money or wisdom can give you that.

Now I, being a curious and avid learner, decided to do some research on the word "Ecclesiastes." The first "definition" I found was from dictionary.com, and was a "cultural definition."

Cultural Dictionary

Ecclesiastes [(i-klee-zee-as-teez)]

A book in the Old Testament containing the reflections of a philosopher known as “the Preacher.” “Vanity of vanity saith the Preacher, &ellipsis; all is vanity,” where the word “vanity” indicates that striving is in vain, because death comes to all, and “there is no new thing under the sun.” He believes that our character and achievements do not affect our fate. “The race is not to the swift nor to the strong.” He concludes that one should enjoy the good things found in life until death brings oblivion. The argument and tone of this book are very unlike those of the other books of the Bible. (See nothing new under the sun, A time to be born and a time to die, and Vanity of vanities; all is vanity.)

The second definition I found was from Wikipedia, and had the word "disambiguation" in parentheses. Since my vocabulary is limited, I looked up the word. Of course, dictionary.com left me with this vague answer: "to remove the ambiguity from; make unambiguous." Thank you for clearing that up! As if I couldn't use my elementary education to decipher "disambiguation" as removing ambiguity. Anyway, I then proceeded to look up the word "ambiguous." I thought I knew the meaning, based on context clues from reading, but I wanted a precise definition, which turned out to have multiple meanings. The most appropriate one being this: "of doubtful or uncertain nature; difficult to comprehend." Perfect! So my rough conclusion of the meaning of "Ecclesiastes," or "disambiguation," is the act of trying to solve mysteries. Solomon, in this case, was attempting to answer the most ambiguous question: "What is the meaning of life?" He accomplished this very well, considering it lines up with God's purpose for us (if it didn't, I would question the Bible's validity, but I believe the Bible is true, and written by supernatural means of God speaking through people, certainly not your average book!).

I am so glad that life is not meaningless or depressing, as it appears. No. There is a much deeper and larger purpose to it. Something that would be impossible without the Creator of it all. Thank you Jesus for giving us hope! Give the glory to God, because He brings joy to life.

Ecclesiastes 12:1

"Remember your Creator
in the days of your youth,
before the days of trouble come
and the years approach when you will say,
'I find no pleasure in them'-"

-Ecclesiastes sign picture found on Google

-Dictionary.com cultural definition

-Orange flower picture taken by Bubbly :) It captures God's beauty perfectly. I'm so grateful I can enjoy His creation.

Friday, January 15, 2010

A protest against protesters

A protest against protesters... a new experience for me! Actually, I've never been in a protest. I haven't even seen a protest firsthand before. Especially, considering the small size of this ordinary, boring town. I thought my Friday night would merely involve a trip to the Christian bookstore!

It wasn't a coincidence (since they don't exist). The second I walked outside into the high school parking lot, my brother stopped and talked to a senior (he's a freshman) acquaintance. "Hey, do you want to hear my chicken story?" Yeah. That's how random, yet funny and charming my brother is. Everybody loves him. He proceeded to explain the story of how he found a chicken in his friend's backyard on homecoming night, who kicked the poor animal till it ran away. "Yeah, great story," said our sarcastic friend. Luckily, it didn't end there. He invited us to come to Home Depot at 6:30 tonight. Supposedly (he wasn't well informed, but knew the basics), there is a controversial play performing in town about a Christian killing a gay (homosexual) guy. This, I think, is wrong by itself, but what bothers me further is a particular church's argument. Their slogan is (according to my friend and other sources) "God hates fags." This is not only offending, but completely false! If they would simply read the Bible, it is clear that God is love. He loves everyone (which is why he died on the cross for our sins!), but hates their (homosexuals) sin.

Which leads me to my Friday night occurence. I had planned to make a visit to the two local Christian book stores in town. Traveling all by myself was terrifying. I've had my license for 6 months, but I still tremble at the thought of me being completely independent and alone (I'm a people person and feel insecure being alone in public...). Plus, I'm not the best driver (I crashed into a pole, see previous post "The result of my over-analytical self and lack of observation"). I began my adventure by praying in the car to not crash or get robbed (my two worst fears when driving). God answered my prayer, because neither one happened! Anyway, I walked into the first bookstore with wide eyes and enthusiasm. I had wanted to come there for months, specifically because I had received gift certificates there from some friends on my birthday (6 months ago). I browsed the store and purchased three books, a CD, and a tag for my keys that says "got Jesus?" If I had let myself (and if I had unlimited money), I would have spent the entire night there, perhaps longer. I simply love Christian bookstores. The music, the jewelry, the fiction and nonfiction books. It all excites me! No where else can you find such a vast amount of resources for life. The Bible, of course, being the foremost important. However, devotions, music with a message, and nonfiction books that apply to your life, are also valuable in my eyes.

Surprisingly, I found the other Christian bookstore, which was around the corner from the previous one. It just so happens (God must have planned it), that the Home Depot where my friend was meeting for the protest and prayer, was practically next to my destination. Missing my turn, I was forced to turn into the parking lot and happened to see them the second I turned in. Coincidence? No. God. He must have really wanted me to attend! Now that I had seen them, I decided I had to show up (despite my own will wanting to just get my books and go home). It was scary. I was surrounded by an entirely different culture, and was afraid I was going to either get mugged, kidnapped, or teased. It's hard to stand up for your faith. Especially in a society that constantly fights against it. The local news station was there. I saw students from my school right and left. There were smokers, people resembling hippies (complete with rainbows and peace signs), homosexuals, and the gargantuan mass of people protesting. In the midst of the mass was my friend who invited me. However, I couldn't distinguish the gays from the Christians, or the misled "Christians" from my group. It was a confusing scene, and I was in the middle of it, all alone! Finally, I texted my other friend, and asked for his phone number (the acquaintance who invited me). Eventually, I called him and caught up with the right group. It turns out, they were just as confused as me! Figures. Either way, we began a prayer session.

Fellow Christian students at my school and I gathered around the massive crowd, holding up sings that read: "God is love. 1 John 4:8," plain and simple. We decided to start praying, which is one of the most powerful weapons against Satan and his evil schemes. Among the yelling and honking, we managed to form a circle of about 5-7 people. We prayed for God to give the pastor of the church saying "God hates fags," guidance and to convict him of his sins. We prayed for the students at our school and people gathered around, that we might be able to show them God's love. 1 John 4:8 (our slogan verse) says "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." Other verses were shared, like Philippians 4:8. I felt called to share 1 Corinthians 13, the love chapter. I did have this entire chapter memorized, but I was rusty and had to use my book from my purse. 1 Corinthians 13:1 seemed to impact people the most.

Philippians 4:8 (NIV)

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."

1 Corinthians 13:1 (NIV)

"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal."
Love is powerful. It has the ability to heal, restore, and fill. Without it, everything in life is pointless. It's left as a resounding gong and clanging cymbal. The only reason we are alive in Christ is because of His unfailing love. I am filled with passion every time I am reminded of it. Hopefully, others see this love in me. Jesus gives me joy and compassion for others. Gays, lesbians, homosexuals. Their sin is wrong. The Bible clearly says homosexuality is wrong.

Leviticus 18:22 " 'Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable."

Leviticus 20:13 " 'If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

Romans 1:26-27 "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion."

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God."

Romans 1:32 "Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them."
In the Old Testament days, the consequence for homosexuality was death. A little harsh, you might, say. Well, God (in the New Testament) forgives all sins, no matter how extreme. But, He designed and created us to be with man and woman. It's all part of His perfect plan! Not only is it wrong, but it hurts God to see us rebel against His plan. The last verse struck me the most. Referring to homosexuality, the Bible describes people who "approve of those who practice" it. That's claiming that it's also wrong to support groups who so bluntly sin directly against God. This can be interpreted as, "God hates gays." But, He doesn't! God is love. Therefore, He will never stop loving His people. No matter how perverse or lost we are, He loves us. That doesn't give us permission to sin all we want and directly disobey Him. Yes, we are sinful humans. But, we still have choice. We can choose to do our best to keep His commands. We can make a stand not to support or approve of sinful practices like homosexuality.

This entire topic is extremely controversial. It's led to a protest against protesters! However confusing this world and its opinions might be, we have to remember that we don't have all the answers. Some people need to have a strict answer to everything. Some things in life are simply mysteries. God Himself will never completely reveal Himself to us until Heaven. Here on this Earth, the best we can do is pray. I just pray that others will see God's love. His unfailing love! <3

-God is love image, book picture and heart picture from Google

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Spaghetti Bridges and My Personal DJ

Tuesday night was horrible. I couldn't help but cry over a stupid spaghetti bridge for physics, which I thought would never be finished. There I was, happily (I never liked the project, but I was in a good mood) constructing my unique creation (while praying that it would hold 1 kg-2.2 pounds), when my dad ruined it.

My mother always tells me to not let anyone "ruin" my day but just roll it of my shoulders and say, "That's their problem, but I'm in a good mood and won't change because they are having a bad day." This seems impossible when you're talking about my dad. Now, my father is a loving husband and daddy who loves me deeply. But, sometimes he doesn't realize when he's yelling. When he's in the right mood (with the appropriate amount of sleep), he's funny and kind, complimenting me about everything. However, when he stayed up late the previous night or just didn't have a good day, he's the polar opposite. With that said, you can imagine how he reacted to my "far from perfect bridge." He kept on saying, "It's all wrong. Why would you make it that way? It's never going to work." Well, that's great Dad, but how exactly does that help me? I think we all fall into that sometimes. We think about the negative things in life and don't learn to problem solve, or tell others how to fix things (like just putting them down and not giving advice for change). I couldn't see (as much as I thought) how telling me it was wrong could fix anything! And plus, I was content with my bridge the way it was. A few negative comments and constant nagging caused me to get upset. With me upset, Dad just yelled more and I ended up crying (I'm a teenage girl, what do you expect?). Yelling at me "Stop crying!" doesn't help either. Long story short (although I've already made it long...): my mom forced me (literally pulled me away from the bridge up to my room) to go to bed. She e-mailed my teacher and had it due the next day instead. I still stayed up late the next night, but without my dad screaming at me. He actually volunteered to help me with my bridge and gave me some tips of improving the "poor design." It was a shock of a lifetime, but my spaghetti bridge passed that test and ended up holding around 5 pounds! I got an A+, but I still wonder if it was worth it.

After that drama, I, still in tears, turned on my new ipod docking station and played one of my favorite songs "Love it Away" by Krystal Meyers.

I've probably listened to this song at least ten times while I was crying. It's perfect. The beat, the tune, the message, everything. The part in the song where it goes "Don't cry anymore" is exactly what I need to hear. If you think about it, God knows every second that you cry, and He's right there with you, loving you, and hurting with you. How encouraging is that? Even when people let you down and aren't perfect, God will love you in your best and worst times. He will love all of your pain away.

And God's plan is impeccable! This is more proof that there's not such thing as coincidences. While trying to fall asleep and forget about my spaghetti bridge incident, I left my ipod on shuffle. Every song that played was exactly what I needed to hear. It was definitely a God thing, as if God was my personal ipod DJ! My songs went as follows.

1. Love It Away-Krystal Meyers
2. My Freedom-Krystal Meyers
3. Beauty of Grace-Krystal Meyers
4. All About Love-Steven Curtis Chapman
5. Don't Give Up-Santus Real
6. Getting Into You-Relient K
7. Activate-Stellar Kart
8. Stand in the Rain-Superchick
9. Brave-Nichole Nordeman

Perhaps you aren't familiar with these songs, but each one had a specific part that applied to me. They cheered me up and wiped away my tears. The following are lines that touched me.

1. "Don't cry anymore... He will, He will love it away."
2. "Will you be my freedom?"
3. "Tell me why'd you run? You say you’re so ashamed, Bruised and broken...The memories erased, Maybe that's the beauty of grace."
4. "This is the reason we were made To know the love of our Creator And to give the love He's given us away... It's all about love!"
5. "
Don't give up on love and throw it all away"
6. "Do you know what you are getting yourself into? I'm getting into you...You're essential to survive, I'm going to love you with my life."
7. "Life is easy When you're sitting in the shade...I feel you drawing me away From my complacency...This is the purpose of my life This is, the reason I'm alive... Activate, activate."
8. "She fears if she cries that first tear, the tears will not stop raining down. So stand in the rain, Stand your ground. Stand up when it's all crashing down. You stand through the pain You won't drown."
9. "Welcome to the middle ground, You're safe and sound and Until now it's where I've been. 'Cause it's been fear that ties me down to everything. But it's been love, Your love, that cuts the strings. So long status quo I think I just let go. You make me want to be brave."

I don't know if you realize it, but all of these songs had an underlying theme. As each one played, I knew God was talking to me, through music. It was really cool. First, I picked "Love it Away," and that's exactly what Jesus did. "My Freedom" reassured me that I have freedom with God, and He's my ticket to freedom, if I just trust in Him. "Beauty of Grace" reminded me of God's grace and using that same compassion on others (this case, my dad). The next songs were also about love (God's love), which never fails, and loving others. This was what I needed to do with my dad. All he needed was some of my love, so right then and there, I forgave him. It felt nice, to let go of my anger and frustration and give it to God. 1 Corinthians 16:14 says "Do everything in love." This is harder than the simplicity of the verse sounds. The other songs strengthened my "epiphany" about love. Sanctus Real said "Don't give up on love," Relient K questioned me "Do you know what you're getting yourself into?" and Stellar Kart said "Activate! This is the purpose of my life." "Stand in the Rain" told me to keep my ground, despite my tears and troubles. I thought the last song closed everything perfectly. It ends with "Your love cuts the strings, you make me want to be brave." It tied both messages together: love, and following through on love (aka being brave). Not only did it help me that night, but it's helped me this week as well. Throughout the entire week the song kept reoccurring in my mind and I felt God calling me to be braver. That's my goal.

Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV)

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."

-Spaghetti Bridge picture found on Google, Yellow Flower picture taken by Bubbly :)