Gorgeous yellow flower!

Gorgeous yellow flower!
Picture taken by Bubbly :)

Friday, January 29, 2010

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

I'm a sucker for corny children's movies. Tonight, I watched a cartoon called "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs," by Sony Pictures. I was reluctant to return to my favorite pastime, for fear of "growing out of it," but I realized that you can never grow out of being a kid. My favorite movie is Finding Nemo. Yes, the humor is corny. But I like it. Yes, the plot is predictable. But I'm okay with that. Yes, children's movies are simple and sometimes boring. But I don't think so!

Movies these days are inappropriate, violent, and immoral. At least, I think so. 99% of the Americans might disagree. They are desensitized. Some people (who I feel sorry for) don't even know the difference! Perhaps children growing up in this century are just used to the time period. Unfortunately, we live in a corrupt world. More so than even 50 years ago. This is scary! I am constantly horrified by each new perverted television show added to the list. To each swear word added to even children's movies. There's no escaping it. But I try to -my hiding place is in kid's movies. I lead a sheltered life, because I want to live a pure life. As the title of my blog suggests, I want to be "innocently yours" Lord.

John 15:18-19

"'If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.'"
Choosing to live for Christ is not the easiest route. It's the road less traveled. (But there are far more benefits than disadvantages!) It's difficult to be the only Christian in a crowd of my friends. The only one who believes the truth. I want nothing more than to let everyone I know of God's love, to be a light to them, and to truly live for Jesus! But that's a more easily stated goal than easily achieved. My friends and acquaintances (even perfect strangers) don't get it. I'm praying for God to open their eyes, because it's not easy to take the hugest leap of faith! I get ridiculed. I get made fun of. Not in a cruel way, but it's not exactly accepting. But then I realize that it shouldn't be! John 15:18-19 says the world will hate me, but only because I'm not part of it! That's why I choose to watch children's movies and isolate myself from corruption. It hated Jesus too. But He was perfect! Wow. How could we hate the only perfect man ever to walk the earth? At least that makes me feel better, I'm used to it. People aren't going to love and accept me for being a Christian. But that's life. I'm willing to endure hardships and persecution if it furthers God's kingdom by just one person. I hope the number is far greater! The Bible says that trials will only create perseverance.

Romans 5:3-4

"Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope."
Although it was just a children's movie, I actually gained some things from watching "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs." I caught on to some AP Language Arts and Composition skills (amazing, isn't it?), God revealed to me some spiritual ideas, and I had a good laugh on more than one occasion. I even enjoyed a corny cartoon romance, while relating it to my own experience, and discovered a conclusion. Is it even possible to think all of these things while watching a children's movie? For me it is. Possibly only me (what can I say? I'm a girl with a knack for talking, thinking, and analyzing).

Here is a brief synopsis of the movie according to fandango (I feel the need to pull out a paper bag puppet now):

"Inspired by Ron and Judi Barrett's beloved children's book of the same name, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs follows inventor Flint Lockwood and a brainy weathergirl as they attempt to discover why the rain in their small town has stopped, and food is falling in its place. Meanwhile, lifelong bully Brent relishes in tormenting Flint like he did when they were kids, and Mayor Shelbourne schemes to use Flint's latest invention -- a device designed to improve everyone's lives -- for his own personal gain." ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide

I remember reading the book when I was little. It was a great book-the idea imaginative and creative. But the movie went above and beyond! I read some reviews on it, and most critics claimed it was far more sophisticated for the intended audience. I agree. Not all children's movies, or cartoons for that matter, are automatically childish and simple. In fact, I've seen quite a few that even my parents and grandparents have enjoyed! Perhaps you could have predicted the plot, but I couldn't. It surprised me at every turn (but, my family agrees that most movies do... so I might not be a reliable source).

Outside of the movie's intended, actual purpose, I discovered some spiritual related purposes. The entire moral of the story, was to never quit inventing, to love your family and to realize that everyone has a purpose in life. The introduction caught me off-guard, and sparked some AP Lang. thoughts. It began with something like this: "Have you ever thought that you were different? That you were the only one in the world who could do something great, but no one else saw it? That's me." This was an effective introduction, and the music applied as well. I love it when a movie is good, but when the music is phenomenal as well, I'm in 7th heaven! Anyway, it ended the movie with the main character, who originally lacked appreciation from his father, hugs his dad when he tells him he loves him. This is, of course, seconds after he saved the entire world from hurricanes, tornadoes, and showers of giant hot dogs, meatballs, and any other food imaginable, from conquering everything. Okay, it sounds corny, but just watch the movie! It really is much better.

Anyway, back to the spiritual purpose. I found multiple references that I felt God was revealing to me. One of the characters, who developed as a dumb-jock bully in the main character, Flint's elementary school. He was the "popular" guy, with all the girls, in the town. Once Flint, the mad scientist, crazy inventor, who I actually found nice and funny, with a unique personality, becomes famous, Brent (the dumb-jock) is left with nothing. He screams, "I don't know what my purpose in life is anymore? Who am I?" When Flint is left to use his flying car to venture into the giant meatball-that is, his invention-that creates the food, and save the world, Brent agrees to come. I thought, why are they letting him come, how can he be useful? Since it's a movie, I did predict that he was going to become valuable. But I was clueless as to how. It turns out (which, by the way is entirely unpredictable, unless you possess the brain of sci-fci geek, no offense to all you guys, I'm actually kind of one myself... Star Wars and the Matrix-amazing!), the team encounters a gang of giant, headless, cooked chickens, who attempt to attach them! Brent gets eaten by one, and then... to my surprise, he becomes it! Yes, it's weird, but it was actually hilarious in the context of the movie. I literally laughed out loud (isn't "lol" far too clique anyway?). He became their hero by warding off the angry mob of chickens and saving the day.

Far too often, we overestimate God's plan for even the simplest things or people. But even the most, seemingly, hopeless cases, He can use. Actually, throughout the entire film, I found evidence of cases that worked out perfectly. I know a movie isn't reality, but it was interesting to see how everything worked together. Just like real-life, God makes everything work out according to His plan. It may not appear so, but I am confident that "in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28).

I have to admit, although I thought about some deep, philosophical ideas during this movie, I laughed about every 15 minutes. It was just hilarious! I enjoy a good laugh, and I think I don't laugh enough! I read this morning in my Bible in Psalm 126:2, "Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, 'The LORD has done great things for them.'" I know that God enjoys humor. He made our bodies to be able to laugh, so I think it serves a purpose, just like everything in creation! One of the humorous parts is where Flint lost his USB drive that was supposed to save the world, and is depending on his technologically inadequate father to go into his lab and e-mail it to him. Actually, the world was depending on this. It reminded me of my mother and grandparents, trying to become caught up with the world. My grandma probably fit the description of Flint's dad best. He didn't understand how to "move a file" with the mouse, let alone find the ever-important "send" button, which he discovered shortly after a pile of food crushed his house. With a dramatic scene of coming out of the pyramid of food, he saved the world by pressing send. I couldn't help but burst into laughter. Someday, older generations might get the hang of technology (at least, I sure hope so...).

One of my favorite, and personal parts of the movie is the relationship between Flint, and his new crush, an intelligent weather woman, who happens to share his love for jello (sorry, just a funny side note). Anyway, I think the connection is adorable, and it makes me dream of my future "nerd," as I like to call him. I'm years away from marriage (or dating again, for that matter...), but I like the idea of having a husband, and someone to spend the rest of my life with! (I'm pretty sure girls think about this way more than guys! Which is why we're suckers for romances. <3) You can call me crazy, like my brother, but I consider myself a nerd. I'm even wearing glasses this moment! I don't wear makeup, and care more about homework than about my social life. Learning is fun, and I don't mind being recognized for my intelligence. I'm in no way "normal." But who wants to be normal? Someday, I'll meet a book-worm, different guy wearing glasses. I know that God has in store for me, an attractive, intelligent, Christ following, sweet, "nerd," with common interests, and who loves me for me! :)

-First movie picture, Book picture, Movie synopsis, Send button picture, Couple picture (from the movie!)

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