Last night I had an epiphany. I grounded myself. Not just from one thing, but from three! Call it absurd, but I was genuinely angry at myself. For the first time in a century, I didn't have homework. Given, I had other extracurricular activities, but after six I was free! While I debated about not procrastinating on homework due later, I went with my lazy impulse and did absolutely nothing. It's amazing how much time you can spend on facebook. Almost scary. I feel so guilty how I don't have the discipline to not procrastinate or to go to bed early. I'm strange in the first place when it comes to sleep. My "bedtime" is eight o'clock sharp. Don't believe I follow it. That would really be strange with my busy schedule. It's simply my bedtime that gets me the appropriate amount of sleep so I can function properly. If I stray too far from it, I am unable to do even the most ordinary day-to-day operations.
For example, today at work, a customer wanted to purchase salt. I was so used to calling for sales assistance to check out cigarettes or beer, that I just assumed he asked for a pack of cigarettes. It was busy at the time, and I had to wait for an employee older than twenty-one to get him his "imaginary"' pack. He patiently waited for five minutes before I realized he only wanted salt. The employee over twenty-one that helped me stared at me incredulously as if to say, "Did you really think you had to be 21 to ring up salt?" My incompetence didn't end there. I proceeded to ring up one package of suresoft pellet salt, only to realize later that he asked for two bags. I felt like an idiot! The customer's tone of voice didn't exactly suggest gratitude as I shyly said, "Have a good night." No. His happy "hello" turned into an angry sigh. Just one sigh was enough to almost make me cry. I shouldn't be so sensitive. Especially when I'm never going to see him again, and probably won't stay long in his memory bank. Still. I hate it when people disapprove of me or something I did. It's not like I'm normally an extremely slow cashier who never listens. I was just tired and out of it. Isn't anyone allowed to get an off day once in a while?

Colossians 3:5 (NIV)
"Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry."
I went to bed at 10 last night, but that's late for me and I couldn't get to sleep because I was thinking and feeling guilty about staying up late doing nothing in the first place! I had no choice but to come to the conclusion to ground myself from both procrastinating and staying up late when I have a choice. With this, I decided not to spend more than ten minutes daily on facebook and not more than ten minutes for e-mail and other web-surfing. I'm just so sick. Not physically, although I could get there soon by the way I'm going. Just sick from guilt. Sick from being lazy and irresponsible. Maybe I'm too hard on myself, but I think I need some evaluations on my life.

Another thing I grounded myself from is eating dessert. I'm not going on a diet, and I'm certainly not fat, but I eat too many sweets. What can I say? I've got a sweet tooth! Ever since I was a little girl, I've studied nutrition labels and have wanted to become a nutritionist, but that doesn't mean I'm perfect in the area of health. It's easy to grab a piece of candy after every meal, or sneak a few scoops of ice cream into my diet. But only in moderation. Eating past the point when you're full is not healthy! And consuming as many sweets as healthy veggies and protein is not the best approach unless you're planning on getting type 2 diabetes. The Bible says your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. Do you know how sacred a temple is? Eating healthy, exercising, and taking care of your body is honoring God, believe it or not.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NIV)
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body."
The last thing I grounded myself from is spending money on clothes. I am a shopaholic. Not to the extreme of some people (I am debt-free), but it is a concern. My closet is a huge walk-in-closet every girl dreams of. Yet, it's stuffed full of clothes. So much that I have an overflow stuffed into my gigantic armoire. Yes, I have a problem indeed. I looked over my finances on Exel for the past year. 80% of my money went toward clothes. This is absolutely ridiculous! I feel sick to my stomach when I see my full closet and then think about children who only have one outfit. What's worse, is I keep thinking clothes will make me happy. Like I can thrive off of people's compliments or the fact that I am well-dressed. Ha! Well-dressed. What does that even mean? Does it mean people will treat you with more respect if you're "well-dressed." Will people become your friends merely based on your attire? Artificial friends might. Not genuine friends who care about the inside. And certainly, most definitely not God. He doesn't even see one of your "trendy" outfits. He doesn't care if you have American Eagle jeans or an Aeropostale sweatshirt. It doesn't make the slightest difference if you own 37 t-shirts or one. No, God cares about the heart and nothing more.
1 Samuel 16:7 (NIV)
"But the LORD said to Samuel, 'Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.'"
I think I might have disobeyed my grounding rules already. It's definitely passed eight o'clock (it's 10:23 pm!). But, I felt the need to state my thoughts before I forgot. Goodnight! :) May God teach you to evaluate your heart. Are you living for Him every step of the way? Whether it be worshiping an idol (anything other than God that takes the place of Him), or not taking care of your body, or even spending too much money on material objects, God can help you get back on track. No matter how many times you've messed up (like me at my work), God will forgive you time and time again. Just come with a heart full of repentance. Jesus' blood and the Lord's mercy will do the rest. <><
-Grounded tree picture describes another aspect or meaning of the word grounded, which applies to my message as well. My grounding can also be described as being grounded in God, who is love! Isn't that cool? It has too meanings. The whole point of grounding in the first place is to teach you a lesson. It's only for discipline and love. I'm so glad I can be grounded in God's love, which is unfailing! <3
-www. picture found on Google
-Dessert picture looks enticing. It's so just so delicious I can practically taste it right now! Maybe I shouldn't have put a picture of the very thing I'm trying to restrain from. But, I can at least look at the beauty can't I?
-Clothes picture is just fun. I love clothes! But, love is a strong word. And my love for clothes, or for anything on earth is nothing compared to God. Being trendy and in style while buying clothes that fit your personality is fun. I enjoy trying new styles and expressing my individuality through clothing. But, not when it gets excessive. I'm learning to buy in moderation and not become obsessed with life's temporary pleasures.
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