To evaluate true freedom, you must first discover truth. When polled on the streets in New York City, I bet only one out of a hundred people could give you a clear, concise definition of truth. And only one out of a thousand could give you the correct answer. Truth is not "the opposite of false." It's not anything "factual or scientifically proven. No, you will not find truth in our culture. Or at least not in most things. Truth is God. Truth is Jesus. Truth is the Bible and everything in it. True freedom only comes from God. He created us with an inner desire for freedom, and He is the only one that can fill the emptiness.
I found this song when I was looking for new songs to buy on itunes. It's perfect for everything I've been thinking about and going through. The book I'm reading now (thanks to my friend!) is called "Breaking Free," a devotional about true freedom. Ironically, the only way to attain freedom is to follow God's commands and live for Him. That seems like the opposite of freedom, right? But obedience does bring freedom. The first part in the Freedom song by Run Kid Run says "I have selfishness to blame." How true is that? We are so selfish as humans. Everything we do from day to day is consumed by our wants and needs. This sin takes us captive. Without realizing it, we become a slave to ourselves. Only Jesus can break the chains and set us free. If we choose to become a Christ follower, He can bring us initial freedom. Notice I said initial. What I didn't know (I learned from the book by Beth Moore "Breaking Free"), is that even if you're a Christian and are saved, you can still be in bondage. Here's one of the devotions:
" 'We did not follow cleverly contrived myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.' 2 Peter 1:16I felt convinced Beth Moore was talking directly and specifically to me! Here I am, this church-going born-again Christian who reads her Bible daily and constantly tries to witness to her friends, yet I was still in a form of bondage! I thought a boyfriend would make my life complete. I thought clothes could satisfy me. I thought success through school and good grades could bring me happiness. No. I was looking in the wrong places. I knew God could satisfy me, but I wanted immediate wants. I wanted, I wanted, I wanted. Do you know how selfish that is? When I look at my life and all of the activities I spend on myself, I feel a wave of guilt splash into my stomach. Is that God's will? Will good grades and a closet full of in-style clothes last for eternity? Wow. Tough questions.
In the days before I began to enjoy the fullness of Christ, I somehow knew God's Word was true and that the problem rested with me. But for the life of me, I couldn't figure out what the problem was. I served Him. I even had a love for Him, however immature. But I still fought an emptiness that kept me looking for love and acceptance in all the wrong places.
Never once in my youth did I hear the clear teaching about the Spirit-filled life. Perhaps this is the reason I refuse to shut up about it now. Either Jesus Christ can satisfy us and meet our deepest needs, or God's Word is deceptive."
One of my friends has been bugging me (and when I say bugging I mean constantly, probably seven times, confronting me) about my schedule. I seriously have a schedule problem. The root is that I'm an overachiever, analytical, perfectionist who always tries to live up to everyone's expectations. Little did I realize, it's impossible! Do you know how ridiculous it is to make everyone like you? It's ludicrous to win approval from sinful humans, especially when you're living up to your neck in sin also! We can't do it. Only God can bring freedom. Freedom from everything. No matter what you're going through, let Him take control. How? I was thinking the same thing.
" 'You will keep in perfect peace the mind that is dependent on You, for it is trusting You.' Isaiah 26:3I wrote a blog essay a while ago about trust. It's one of the most complicated, challenging, yet crucial concept to apply to your life (sorry for all the "c"s, I like alliterations. ;). With trust comes freedom. If you trust in something other than yourself, you're giving away that sinful selfishness every human has. You're letting go and handing the wheel over to God. This is hard for us! "It's our way or the highway!" right? Not exactly. That doesn't line up with God's will or His plan.
Freedom from strongholds is serious business. In-depth study and deliberate application of truth are not just helpful but are absolute necessities for those who choose liberty. We win freedom on the battlefield of the mind.
Notice in Isaiah 26:3 the inclusion of trust in the life of the one who possesses a steadfast mind. Only a trusting heart will approach God honestly with the secret struggles of the mind.
When we offer a trusting heart and an honest, open mind to God, we can be sure renewal is on its way."
Psalm 119:36 (NIV)
"Turn my heart toward your statutes
and not toward selfish gain."
In my daily Bible reading, I came across this verse today. I highlighted it in my Bible and pondered the meaning for a while. True wisdom comes from knowledge and application. How could I possibly apply this to my life? It starts with realizing that the world doesn't revolve around me. It's starts with escaping my busy schedule and my obligations and focusing on God's, which involves the lives of other people. My family, my friends, the poor and needy, even complete strangers on the street or that I encounter at work. Last night, I overheard a fellow employee commenting on one the the girls she checked out, who goes to her school. She said, "She is the nicest person I have ever met." Then she turned to me, with a smile on her face, and asked, "You know those people that are just nice to everyone? She is just the nicest person." Her smile should have been contagious. Instead, it brought jealousy, and guilt. I looked straight at myself and thought, "Why aren't I like that? Why don't people say that about me?" What's worse, is that I don't even know if that girl was a Christian. I don't even know if she has true freedom from sin or selfish desires. Some nonbelievers are nicer than followers of Christ. This should not be! I feel guilty myself when I think about it. Sure, I've had plenty of people comment on how "nice" I am. But am I nice to everyone 24/7? Far from it. My family annoys me, my friends make me jealous, and I judge perfect strangers based on appearance.
I just pray for Mighty God to let me be a bright light for the world, all the time. I just pray that the Prince of Peace may live in my life and bring freedom. That the Wonderful Counselor will give me advice on my hectic schedule. That the Everlasting Father will wrap me in His arms with His unfailing love. Thank you Jesus for FREEDOM!!!!!!! Not just when I received your grace and salvation the moment I believed. But everyday of my life. Lord, you save me everyday. That's true freedom.
Isaiah 9:6 "And he will be called~I love my Jesus. Forever. <3
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace"

-American flag picture, sunset picture found on Google
-Quotes from "Breaking Free Day by Day" by Beth Moore
-If you're interested, see previous post also on freedom: Freedom!
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