Today is the first day of spring. Maybe not according to the calender or science, but to me, it smelled, felt, and looked like spring! On September 28th, it smelled like fall (see "
The Smell of Fall"). Perhaps I'm just strange, but the sun and warm weather would also indicate a shift in seasons. Wouldn't it be boring if it was the same season all year round? I am very well aware that different regions in the world display separate climate changes, and some have none. Considering I used to live in a warmer climate, I am not against the tropical weather of Florida, I just also appreciate seasons. It's so exciting to see the sun suddenly come out of its hiding. To watch the snow melt away and the flowers to bud - it's truly lovely. Maybe
that's why God created the different seasons, versus punishing people with cold weather. ;)
Don't you think the universe and creation itself is enough proof that there was a
Creator behind the complexity? It's difficult for me to understand why people are confused when I state that there's enough evidence for God as there is for evolution and science. In fact, yesterday I got called a "radical." It shocked me for a moment, but then I said, "Thank-you." After all, wasn't Jesus a radical? Two thousand years ago humanity declared the Son of God a radical. So I will take that as a compliment. It shows that I am truly a disciple of Christ. That's what being a Christian is all about!
Although, I believe society has distorted the meaning of being a Christian. So much that people associate it with simply being a
good person. That's great and all, but how do you define
good? And is that the only basis for this religion? I am confident, 100% positive that there is no human being on earth or ever was, besides Jesus, that has actually followed the Ten Commandments completely. Not one! That's why Christianity (or at least the Bible I follow...) isn't just about strict rules that prevent any "fun." It's about a relationship with God that eliminates our sin in God's eyes, through Jesus' blood on the cross. I'm not perfect. Just ask my family! But because I believe and trust in God, through Jesus I am innocent. I will go to Heaven when I die. Not because I read the Bible. Not because I'm a "good" person. Or because I merely believe in God. The demons believe in God and they shudder!
That brings up another good point. Faith without deeds is useless. I'm terribly sorry if I sound like I'm making contradictory statements. But faith is a difficult topic to comprehend. Essentially, in order to be a follower of Christ (Christian) you have to, by faith, believe in God, trust in Him, and then demonstrate your faith by actively professing it and loving others like Christ loved us. There you go - a synopsis of the Christian faith. :)
Faith is just that. It takes a huge leap! But I also think it takes faith to be an atheist. If you claim you don't believe in God, you have faith that He doesn't exist! I may be biased, but I think it takes more faith to be an atheist, and I also believe there is more evidence for God than not! There's even a recent book called
I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist.
As much as I want to make everyone a Christian and have them see the truth - which is Jesus, I can't. I can't force anyone and ultimately I can't "convert" anyone. That's the job of the Holy Spirit. Even though God wants everyone of us to go to Heaven and choose life, He created us with free-will. If He hadn't, we would be robots forced to love Him. I don't know about you, but most relationships on the earth don't go well when someone tries to force another to love them. It just isn't the same.
I can tell you that God is real. He reveals Himself through creation, miracles, the Bible, non-coincidences, others, and His love. I can also tell you that God's love does not compare to anything in the universe! He gives me a peace beyond understanding and joy. I feel sorry for those who don't personally
know God. They must experience a deep emptiness because nothing else in the world can fully satisfy. It is my prayer that God will reveal Himself to them. It is my prayer that they will face those doubts and grow stronger in faith. Hopefully, me, the so-called radical, can show them the light. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6)!
1 John 2:4-6 (NIV)
"The man who says, "I know him," but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did."
-Picture taken last spring :)