I shared this dream with my FCA group today. One interpretation was that God was going to send me on a missions trip across the ocean. I am going to Mexico this summer, but I'm pretty sure the Gulf of Mexico doesn't count. Maybe someday I'll go across the sea to Africa or Asia on a missions trip.
But my mom's interpretation was the best, and most accurate depiction I believe. She said that it's true. That the dream is a picture of what goes on in my daily life on this earth. I am constantly bombarded with waves. Everyone and everything are trying to grab God's words away from me and I have to fight to save them. But in the end, I wonder if it's really me saving them. For it's God's Word that's the light to my path and the bread of life. I live on the Bible. Yes, waves are constantly trying to steal my Jesus. They want so badly to smear the truth and erase the ink on the pages. But not with my God. He will rescue me and His Word will prevail. Jesus triumphs in the end. The world can't take away Scripture. No. The waves will never grab hold of my Bible!
Ephesians 6:17 (NIV)
"Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."
~Thank-you God for giving me this revelation. I know you will fulfill all of your promises. And in the end, your Word will save me!
(Wave picture from Google)
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