Gorgeous yellow flower!

Gorgeous yellow flower!
Picture taken by Bubbly :)

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Smell of Fall

This morning I was optimistic. I walked outside, ready to take on my day and drive to school, wearing a cute, fun, summer outfit consisting of bright yellow shorts and a navy blue tank top. The shorts were courtesy of my generous grandmother who spoils me at every opportunity. I had checked the weather report yesterday, but my memory did not correctly calculate what forty degrees feels like. Especially considering this so-called "fall" has been warmer than our summer! I was getting accustomed to the high of seventy-seven and low of sixty. This is what weather is supposed to be like (in my mind). Perhaps in Texas, but this is the Midwest we're talking about. Not exactly what you would call paradise.

As I skipped out the door, full of glee and eagerness to begin the day with a smile, it faded as fast as a two-year old's patience. I sprinted back inside, into the comfort of my house, slamming the door behind. After racing upstairs, I threw on some jeans and a jacket. I told myself I wouldn't wear jeans, at least not until I had to. My goal was to embrace the warmth of summer for as long as possible. Unfortunately, everything comes to an end at some point. Today was that day.

The wind brought a sharp, bitter coldness, complete with the smell of fall. Yes, the smell of fall. Though my friends declare me crazy, I will hold to my opinion that fall has a distinctive and almost nostalgic smell. It reminds me of the inevitable transformation of summer's flourishing life to the magnificent colors of fall's leaves. This feeling is not necessarily bad, simply different. The shift of seasons brings more changes than the outside appearances. School, colds, clothing, and even emotions. I am glad for seasons and the variance they bring.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven."

This is not merely talking about literal seasons, but seasons of life. Seasons of loneliness, sadness, or perhaps happiness and success. Nothing is permanent, everything is temporary. If you are experiencing a season of loneliness where you have no friends, be encouraged that it will not stay that way. God will bring friends and the season will eventually end. If you are in a season of success and happiness, remember that you will never permanently be happy. Only God can fill that void and bring true joy. Everyone has their valleys and their mountain tops, but only for a season.

~The creator of the universe created the changing seasons, both weather and experiences. I thank Him for His outstanding creativity to create the awe-inspiring colors of fall and the smell fall brings!

-Photo by Bubbly

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Ghosts of Brandenburg

The Ghosts of Brandenburg, by Richard Meyer, is a contemporary version of Bach's Brandenburg Concertos. The song presents an eerie, mysterious tone, which is unique and remarkable. My orchestra is currently working on this piece and I am completely enamored of it. While I arranged the salsa and coffee containers at work, the song got stuck in my head. Is it not amazing how a song can do that? Suddenly, it just appears inside your head, playing as if you were listening to it right there. I love it when this happens with an enjoyable song like this one. Listening to it right now, I cannot see how people can live without music. It is such a valuable gift of life, a result of God's great creativity!

Yesterday, as I was attempting to practice for the tedious "All-State Auditions," when my younger brother decided to join me in harmony. He plays the violin as well, but plays the second violin part, while I play the first violin part (2nd chair!). The lack of basses, cellos, and violas gave a totally different sound, but pleasant nonetheless. We both enjoy the song and were captivated by it. Our heads buried in the black and white pages, it was nice to get our creative talents out for the world to hear (for now, our mom and grandma). My imagination transferred me into the stage of a professional theater, playing for all who shared my enthusiasm for classical music.

In Judges 5:3, Deborah (a fierce, woman warrior in the Bible), sings a song to God after being victorious. She said:

"I will make music to the LORD, the God of Israel."

This is what I will do as well. Whether in my bedroom or on the stage, I will make music to the Lord. I will play violin for Jesus!

~Thank you for giving me the gift of music and the talent to make music for you, Father. I am playing it all for the glory of God! :)

-Violin picture found on Google.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Galatians 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."

Does your life have a purpose? This may seem like a random, deep, philosophical question, but it is something I feel the need to address. It is certainly not a question you might ask yourself everyday you wake up. Even if you know the answer, it is not normally a thought that enters your mind while you eat breakfast.

Last night at youth group, the memory verse was Galatians 2:20. In our small group discussions, we talked about what the verse meant to us (each person's varied). My answer was with a raspy voice resembling a dying animal (I'm still not recovered from my voice problem, but I can at least "barely" talk), but I'm sure people in my group still understood what I was saying. Once you make that personal commitment and have a true relationship with God, you change completely. Just like Saul in the Bible (Acts 9) was transformed from a murderer and persecutor of Christians to a Christian himself, Paul. In my opinion, Paul was one of most radical, on-fire for Jesus Christians who accomplished writing most of the New Testament (if I recall correctly it was 13 books) and was the main instrument in preaching the Gospel all over the world so it can exist today! Obviously, Paul's life drastically changed the moment God called him on the road to Damascus and opened his eyes to the truth.

My story isn't quite as exciting, but my life changed as well. I was practically born in the church, but when I was eleven or twelve, I began questioning things. Everyone has their doubts at some point, but if you evaluate those doubts, it can lead to a greater understanding and faith! I know for a fact that God exists and He sent His son Jesus for us to die and the cross and save our sins. Because I believe in Him and put my trust in Him, I know that the moment I die, I will go to heaven and celebrate eternity with my Creator. What's my purpose in life? To live for Jesus, my Savior and friend, glorifying Him in all that I do and sharing His good news with the world! I don't necessarily ponder this thought every day once I wake up, but I am reminded by it constantly. Life is completely turned around when life has a purpose and you know why you're where you are. The number one question in life, which most people declare impossible is: "what is the meaning of life"? I am glad I have conquered that question and know exactly what I am here for. It is all about Him-Jesus Christ, and "I no longer live but Christ lives in me." He directs my life and has a plan for me already. All I have to do is follow Him through all of the adventures. This is my purpose in life.

~Thanks to the Creator of life for giving us purpose. <>< (photo at "freefoto.com")

Monday, September 21, 2009


You can never fully appreciate anything until you have experienced life without it. This is especially true of speech, which is defined as "the faculty or power of speaking; oral communication; ability to express one's thoughts and emotions by speech sounds and gesture: Losing her speech made her feel isolated from humanity." This is how I felt today. I felt isolated from my friends at a desperate attempt to be included in conversation. I love how the definition includes the "power" of speaking or the ability to "express" one's thoughts and emotions. I lived a day lacking this power of expression, which is so vital to every human.

This morning I woke up without a voice. As odd as it sounds, it is a sad truth. Ask me why I am suffering this fate, I don't have a clear answer. I do have a rather complicated explanation which beings about a week ago...

I was terribly sick last week starting Tuesday (see "The Tragedy of the Busy Life"). It was the typical cold consisting of congestion and a sore throat. Either it was a miscalculation or a foolish mistake on my part, but two days home from school was not enough. Unfortunately I could not bring myself to miss any more tests, quizzes, lectures, or homework. It would only result in a lower grade and GPA. Immediately after I arrived home on Thursday, Friday, and Sunday I collapsed in my bed and took a long, well-rested nap (to my content). Notice how I did not take a nap on Saturday, hence part of my dilemma. Wisely skipping my church "Luau" event and my school's Homecoming football game (going to bed early Friday night), I went to work on Saturday from ten in the morning until four in the afternoon. Consequently, I rushed to a hair appointment fifteen minutes later and then prepared for the crucial occasion for high school students known as the Homecoming dance.

This was my first year going to the dance and I was excited yet hesitant, not knowing exactly what to expect. Either way, my dress was perfect in all its beauty, my hair was simply divine, and my date was waiting to escort me, dressed in a handsome dress shirt and tie. I felt like a princess (and looked like one too!). Could it have been any better? (a few more slow dances would have been nice, but otherwise, no!) I was disappointed when it was over because I didn't want it to end! After a night of pure fun, I was certainly exhausted and my throat was mildly sore (probably from yelling above the loud music) but in my opinion, it was completely worth it.

My view point changed when I woke up Sunday morning with a fluctuating, high-pitched, squeaky voice that resembled a dying frog when I attempted to sing. Why did I try to sing? I was supposed to lead the children's worship at my church! I was saved by my hero friend who did the singing portion while I mouthed the words and danced to the choreography. Unaware of my growing problem, I continued to talk despite my weakening voice. It seemed to me impossible to continue with life without talking at all, especially since I am a girl with many words (I talk a lot!). Instead, I should have used my words sparingly and try to not talk unless necessary. This was a colossal mistake on my part. The unexpected outcome: I woke up this morning without a voice. Ironically, yesterday I had joked about what would happen if I couldn't speak at all when I woke up. Little did I know, it came true!

Debating whether I should go to school, I decided that I would take on the challenge. It energized me to consider going an entire school day without talking. Perhaps I am the only one who would think in this way, but it was entertaining to try and convey my words through other forms (mouthing the words, hand signals, or writing). It was the worst in Spanish class, which consists of merely talking. I am still fearful of my grade decreasing because of no participation points. My lack of words did not only affect classes, but mainly the social aspect of high school. Socializing with friends is the only thing that keeps me going throughout the day. A bad test or a plethora of homework can always become better when my friend smiles at me or talks of how they are experiencing similar trials. That is why God gave us people in our lives. It would be a lonely life indeed if we could not communicate with each other.

Today my friends were supportive of my "handicap," but they could not stop laughing and making fun of me (in a friendly way of course). This is only because it was "me" we are talking about. Bubbly is my pseudonym because it fits my personality perfectly. I am enthusiastic, talkative, and bubbly. Usually I talk so fast that people are lucky to decipher one word in my paragraph long rant. When something excites me, I will do anything but sit down and be "quiet." I jump up and down, simply unable to contain my happiness. If you keep this into account when you imagine me not being able to talk, you will probably laugh as well. I felt like a completely different person, incapable of expressing myself. It reminded me of Ariel from "The Little Mermaid" when she lost her voice to have legs and win her prince charming Eric. I can absolutely relate to her now.

As tragic as this whole fiasco sounds, I know there is always an optimistic outlook on any situation. This "voiceless" day has taught me a valuable lesson and has been a learning experience. I know it is a part of my natural personality, but my habit of talking too much is not always good. Words are very powerful as the definition of speech suggests. Useless, unnecessary chatter does nothing. It is better than hurtful words or gossip, but why not use encouraging words to cheer others up instead? Think of how much happier life would be. Or what about following 1 Corinthians 10:31 and giving all the glory to God? I feel guilty when I am confronted with this because I know I constantly stumble in this. Only with God's help can I learn to "tame my tongue" and use the power of words for His glory.

James 3:9-10 "With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be."

Proverbs 18:21
"The tongue has the power of life and death..."

Proverbs 25:11
"A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver."

Proverbs 12:18
"Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."

Ephesians 4:29
"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

~Thank you Father for giving me the power to express myself through words. Help me to use them for your glory and to encourage others. I am voiceless today, but I can still write. :)

-Scrabble "VOICE" pictures found on Google

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Love Story meets Viva la Vida

Isn't it amazing how music can alter your mood within seconds? Music's power amazes me and I am grateful for this ability. How else can one cheer up after a bad day at school or a family feud? My life would be vastly different without it. Luckily, since my life is not void of music, I am able to let my emotions flow when I listen to or play music. Recently I was randomly browsing through Facebook (procrastinating on the dreadful homework) when I came across this link:


It is not in my nature to listen to "secular" music (non-Christian music) considering I see far to many advantages in listening to uplifting and encouraging music (not to say secular music is "bad"). Although, I do enjoy listening to classical music or pure instrumental music without lyrics or words. This song, "Love Story Taylor Swift meets Viva La Vida Coldplay," captured my classical admiration and I fell in love. Thanks to my brother (another music lover who listens to every type of music), I had already heard Viva La Vida and found it a unique, heart-warming song. Love Story was less familiar to me, but being a teenager, I had heard it somewhere along the way. When I discover a song I like (or love), I cannot help but listen to it over and over and over again until I am fully "content" with the belief that I have the song stuck in my head for at least a day. This is simply something I must do to alleviate my desire to "enjoy" the song.

Upon hearing this song, I felt the need to listen to Taylor Swift's song "Love Story" on Youtube and watch the "official" music video. Given I actually liked the song, I went through the same process by watching it at least seven times. Every time I watched it, the combination of the musical masterpiece, the fairytale scene, and the romantic story (lyrics) made my heart jump. Oh how I dreamed to have my own love story and be that same "princess" in the castle. The wait was long and hard but her prince charming came to her eventually and it was such a happy ending! It may seem silly to you, but sometimes I drift off into my own far away fantasy. Perhaps it is because I still think like a child and cannot let go of my "princess" dream. Every girl (at least every normal girl) dreamed of being a princess at some point in her life. For me it started early (practically since birth) and has never quite fully dissipated.

There's nothing wrong with dreaming... as long as it doesn't deter you from reality for longer than a day. Either way, I know that I am a princess-God's princess. For He is the "only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords" (1 Timothy 6:15). In His kingdom, I am a princess and that is all I need.

~Thank you Father for letting me be a princess. I won't let your kingdom down!

Cello picture found on Google. Rose picture taken by Bubbly. :)

The Tragedy of the Busy Life

I am always perplexed by the ability to maintain a busy life without degrading one's health. For me, this is a task similar to climbing mount everest. My parents and grandparents are constantly nagging on me to "slow down"! How can one slow down when there are so many priorities? Am I to suddenly stop going to church? Or one day decide I don't need to do my homework? What about the other extra cirricular activites or work? I feel like I am not only juggling ten different things, but also in a time crunch! In reality, I can barely juggle two balls let alone with a time constraint. It seems as if my world crashes in every time I attempt this feat and I am left with only one choice: to stay at home, sick. This might not be as serious or dramatic as you would think, but for me it is nearly equivalent to failing a test (slightly exaggerated). To count the number of "failed tests" (aka being sick) would be practically impossible considering it is increasing at an exponential rate (okay, so I exaggerated again)! It is similar to a domino effect. The more I add to my life, the more stressed I get. The more I stress, the more "rundown" I get. On top of it, I barely sleep because I stay up late doing homework. All of this added together equals me, sick. This at least solves the sleep problem (Tuesday I slept for 16 hours...) but the stress problem sometimes increases because I then stay home worrying about missing classes and having to make up the homework! Perhaps I am the only one with this problem, but I know for a fact that most teenagers struggle with their busy lives in some way or another. If asked by my classmates or teachers why I missed two days of school this week, I will reply, "it was a result of the tragedy of the busy life."

1 Peter 5:7 "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."

~Only through God can I have such a busy life. My strength is found in Him alone. Thank you Lord for getting me through every trial and struggle. Help me to "cast all anxiety on you" because I know you care for me.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

One Last Taste of Summer

So there I was-outside on my front step eating Caramel Praline Crunch ice cream straight out of the container (it was nearly empty). I felt like it was the last chance I would get to enjoy the great outdoors and get a literal "taste" of summer. Cars passing by either noticed, declaring me crazy, or silently passed by unaware of their surroundings. Either way, I felt like I wanted the whole world to see me. To see me (the only one) actually spending some quiet time outside in God's beautiful nature. I heard the hum of the cicadas near by and the gentle call of birds singing to each other. In the midst of all the natural sounds, there was the obnoxious lawn mower buzzing in my neighbors yard. The cars also made loud noises as they sped fast down my hill. With the divine taste of caramel praline melting in my mouth, I felt the sun beat down on my skin and warm my body up with an indescribable feeling. Oh how I needed that mere five minutes to escape the chaos of life and see the world how God wants us to see it-the world and all of its beauty. Even with the urban civilization creeping into the neighborhood nature, it was better than being locked up in classrooms for eight hours only to come home, staying inside, and work at a computer until bedtime. This constant daily routine can get depressing if you dwell on it. Sure, there's the weekends to look forward to, but even the fun activities that come with it consume time and all of the energy left in our fragile bodies. We all need a some time to sit back and relax-simply doing nothing but eating Caramel Praline Crunch ice cream straight out of the box while breathing in all of nature and its splendor. I am glad I got my time to enjoy one last taste of summer.

Psalm 9:1-2 "I will praise you, O LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High."

~photo by Bubbly!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

His Colorful Creation

Psalm 19:1-2 "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge."

Look at these pictures. What do you see? Do you see beauty? What about an unexplainable, breath-taking creation that proclaims the work of God's hands. The God of the heavens and the earth, who created man in His image and loves us more than we can fathom. What do you suppose God was thinking when he spoke out the words to create the vibrant colors of the sunset or the intricate rose petals? My guess is He was thinking of us. How much we would enjoy His creation and the wonders of this world. I am filled with gratefulness because of His love and creativity. Imagine constructing simply one beauty of nature in this world, like a rose for example. It would be tough for the most brilliant architects. Can you even comprehend creating the earth and its complexity?

Romans 1:20 "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."

Did you catch that last part in the verse? "Men are without excuse." An excuse for what, you might ask? An excuse for not believing in God and the creation that is clearly seen through His "divine nature." When people wonder if there is a God, which everyone does (even I have doubts sometimes), they seem to be oblivious to what is directly in front of them! Look at it. Outside of your cubicle offices, white walled classrooms, and busy lives, take a moment or two to admire our world. Nature has so much to share with us and it reveals God! Psalm 19:1-2 (above) says that God's creation pours forth speech and displays knowledge. God wants us to see His creation and immediately recognize the connection. I cannot glance up at the millions of stars or see the variety of awe-inspiring flowers and not see God. His glory shines through every wonder of nature. Men are without excuse when we are surrounded by the answers-His creation displaying knowledge. It is my prayer that more people might realize the truth, which is Jesus Christ and His Word alone. Look at His colorful creation, and maybe you will see it too.

~To my merciful creator, who wants everyone to experience His great love and appreciate His nature, which He made specifically for us! <3

*Photography by Bubbly :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Result of my Over-analytical Self and Lack of Observation

It was September 9, 2009. I was in awe of the date alone and it produced a sense of mysteriousness: 09/09/09. However, I was unaware of the event that was about to take place. Something that would most likely occur eventually, but I was surprised nonetheless. I wasn't supposed to be there, I thought to myself. What if I had simply stayed home? What if I had been there one minute later or less? What if. What if. What if...

These thoughts are mere justifications for my wrongdoing. I have come to the conclusion that it was completely my fault and I should not produce excuses. The "crime", as idiotic as it sounds: crashing my car into a pole. I felt like anyone else in this situation, like the hugest idiot in the entire world! How could anyone do this, you might ask? Let's just say it was a combination of my over-analytical self and lack of observation.

It was about 10 minutes after 6 o'clock and I was pulling out of my work parking lot (a grocery store). It is true, as they say, that the majority of car accidents take place in parking lots. Perhaps it is a sense of, "why do I need to go slow in parking lots?" or the fact that people never notice cars in the way of their direction. Honestly, I feel ashamed mine was neither of these, but instead hitting a stationery object.

As I drove out, I was listening to the radio, with my windows down, singing along to the song "Only a Prayer Away." How ironic! The fact I could see, in clear view, the exit to the parking lot and the road I take everyday probably turned off a sense of "alertness." They also say that the majority of accidents occur within a few miles of your house. I live about 7 minutes away, so certainly not far.

There was a random (not really, considering there are plenty of other people every day walking in the parking lot) guy walking into the grocery store. I, being my over-analytical self, took notice of this man. He must of been in his 40's or 50's, not exactly attractive (though my friends disagree). The only reason I looked at him for longer than two seconds, was the look he was giving back to me. It was a strange, annoyed look that seemed to scream "stupid teenager." Again, being analytical I decided that he was giving me this look because he thought that I was going to hit him. To be honest, I was probably five or ten feet away from him. The chances of me hitting him were most likely like 1 out of a million because he was walking away from me and I was going far too slow. Either way, I cared about what he thought of me and wanted to prove him wrong-that I was not some "stupid teenager." I turned slightly to the left only to crash directly, head on, into the light post.

Like is true of anything, you never really know until you have experienced it yourself. Suddenly, a feeling of total shock entered my body and I had never felt anything like it before. The first thought that came to my head was, "what did I just do?" The second, "I wish I could go back in time." The third, "I don't want to look at the damage." It is truly amazing what can happen in literally two seconds. If I could only go two seconds back in time, I could save so much, I thought. After every stupid mistake, humans yearn to undo their wrong and cover up their fault. Once I gathered enough courage and gained my "consciousness," I slowly opened my door and took a glance at my result. It was almost too much to handle. Recollecting my thoughts, I was thankful the air bag didn't go off and I was still in one piece. It could have been much worse. It is hard to explain the feeling of being completely smashed into another object while in a car. I am sure many have experienced this. This was a new feeling for me. It was almost as if I was aware of what I was doing, but knew I couldn't stop it. That is a horrible feeling! I knew exactly what was happening, yet couldn't prevent it once I initially hit the pole. My car just kept on rolling. As they always say, "I never thought this would happen to me." I frowned upon seeing teenagers pulled over for speeding or small fender benders, thinking, "well they're just careless and reckless." Then I end up ramming into a pole. Luckily it was not another car, an animal, or a pedestrian. The pole was not harmed. No, it was a sturdy pole that, as my brother says, "jumped out of nowhere in front of me." That's what makes it worse, though. That it was not the pole's fault. It was all me. A result of my lack of observation and over analytical-self. My driver's education teacher always said we would be fine if we only had "common sense and good judgment." Apparently, I had neither. The good thing about mistakes is that we can learn from them. I have certainly learned a valuable lesson.

If I had kept my typical route and continued driving straight, ignoring the seemingly rude look of a perfect stranger, nothing would have happened at all. I would have saved my car from a flat tire, broken headlight, and huge dent. I would have prevented myself from a night of complete embarrassment and a week of further worries about the event. The only thing I gained, was a story to tell.

-To my loving Father, the God of second chances. He watches over me and protects me from harm. My Lord knows every part of me and loves me despite my over-analytical self and lack of observation. He made me just the way I am for a purpose. I am created in His image, unique as can be. This event, as tragic as it was, was all part of God's perfect plan. <><

~Psalm 32:8 "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you."

~Jeremiah 29:11 "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'"

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Innocently Yours-inspiration for the title

At first glance, the title "Innocently Yours" might be considered confusing or weird, as if I randomly drew the name out of a hat. However, this process required a couple days (perhaps weeks) of careful contemplation. It originated from my favorite song by Stellar Kart, titled "Innocent." The chorus goes like this:

"I wanna be innocent

Yours wholeheartedly
Every part of me
Take me back so I can see
The way that love was meant to be"

Here is a youtube link if you would like to listen to it (I highly recommend it!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vg-lc3LImE

The main message is, as Christians, we need to be different than the world, which is certainly not innocent. This song really speaks to me because I know I am different than the world, which is empty of morals or a purpose. My purpose in life is to live for Jesus and as a result, I want to be innocent, like He is. John 1:7 says this:

"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin."

This verse clearly states that through the blood of Jesus, who died for our sins, we become innocent and are purified "from all sin." Another interesting point to note is the use of the word "light." Searching for verses to reinforce my reason for my title, I used the indispensable Bible Gateway website where you can look up keywords in the Bible to find similar verses (I don't know what I would do without it!). I decided to search for verses with these words: light, pure, and innocent. Why did I choose light? To me, light signifies Jesus, who was the only truly innocent man-yet was put to death by sinful mankind. He calls us to be light like him and only through Him can we be innocent. Matthew 5:14-16 says:

"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."

Here, Jesus is referring to Christians as lights in the world. This is a perfect analogy. Typically, light can mean the forces of "good" whereas darkness is "bad" or evil. This common example is seen throughout movies and books. Star Wars is a classic example of this "good vs. evil." The same thing applies to the real good vs. evil situation, which is God vs. Satan. Satan constantly tries to temp people with the appealing desires of the world and essentially put our light out. The well-known children's song "This Little Light of Mine" illustrates this when it says, "Don't let Satan blow it out, I'm gonna let it shine." In fact, the song comes straight from this verse. As simple as the song is, it has a powerful message. In this world of darkness, I want to obey God's command and be a light-so that other might see His greatness (which mere words cannot describe) and glory. This is easier said than done. While I am still talking about his verse, I just want to point out something important. Notice where it says, "they may see your good deeds." One of the most common misconceptions about Christianity is the belief that one can get to heaven by "good deeds." This is most definitely not true, considering the many passages throughout the scriptures that prove otherwise. The only way to get to heaven is through Jesus and God's grace. We are saved once we put our trust in Him. Psalm 51:7 says:

"Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow."

I love it when the Bible uses creative analogies and similes to articulate a certain point or describe the marvels of nature. This verse required me to look up the meaning of hyssop, which I assumed was some type of plant. It turns out it is an herb that was used to clean (like medicine). It is used throughout the Bible and in biblical times, was common. Here is a picture:

It is a beautiful plant that resembles some sort of wild flower. This verse asks God to "cleanse with hyssop" and then be "whiter than snow." This is a perfect simile to explain innocence. Only through Jesus can we become whiter than snow and attain "innocence" despite our sinful nature. Psalm 19:13 is similar:

"Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me. Then will I be blameless, innocent of great transgression."

There is is: straight from the Bible, the word "innocent." I simply love this word. Think about it. What first comes to mind? For me, either a picture of a baby or a cute animal forms in my mind-completely innocent. The definition of innocent according to dictionary.com is " free from moral wrong; without sin; pure: innocent children." Imagine if the world was completely innocent. Life would be void of sin and all of the horrors that come with it. This is what God originally planned for us when He created Earth and the Garden of Eden. He created a perfect world, but humans spoiled the plan with a three letter word called sin. Such a small word produces so much impact! Now we live in a corrupt world with the "pains" and trials of life. Luckily, God's perfect (truly perfect!) plan did not stop there. He knew we would sin so He created a "substitute" for our sin. A person who would fill the gap that sin leaves-us separated from God. Jesus, the only innocent one, died for our sins so that we might experience life to the fullest-here on the Earth and in Heaven. I thank Him for that everyday and will forever praise His name-for He alone is worthy of it. Romans 16:19 says:

"Everyone has heard about your obedience, so I am full of joy over you; but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil."

This verse may appear strange. Why, might you ask, would someone want to be naive? That is basically what this is saying: "innocent about what is evil" is another phrase for our word "naive." Dictionary.com defines naive as "having or showing a lack of experience, judgment, or information; credulous: She's so naive she believes everything she reads. He has a very naive attitude toward politics." Typically, the word is used negatively, describing someone as gullible (believing anything). As it turns out, innocent, naive, and gullible are all synonyms. They are used for different purposes but essentially have the same meaning. The definition says "a lack of experience" which can also translate into a lack of experience for the wrong types of things, which one would not want to experience. Therefore, being innocent about what is evil is a good thing. One should be wise about what is good, then. As Philippians 4:8 puts it:

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."

Honestly, I have been labeled "naive" by nearly everyone who has met me. Another term that people use is "sheltered." It's kind of a joke among friends that I "live in a hole." I am proud that I am unaware of many of the corrupt, unwholesome things of this world. I am sure Jesus wants me to be like this, and be "innocent" for Him. To conclude, Matthew 10:16 says:

"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves."

Although I want to be innocent, I am like a sheep among wolves. I need to be shrewd like a snake, but still maintain my innocence like a dove.

~To my dear Father, I want to be innocent like a dove-innocently yours. :)

-Pictures found on Google
1. Light Picture
2. Hyssop Picture (Wikipedia)
3. Dove Picture

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Welcome to my blog! I am writing this blog with much enthusiasm because it is my first blog (and my personality is naturally enthusiastic). My goal is to improve my writing and share with others my opinions and thoughts on various subjects. Three subjects will be the main focus throughout this blog, which are: faith, music, and nature. Above all else, I consider faith of the utmost importance when concerning my "interests." I am a Christian who lives for Jesus in all that I do. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, "Whatever you do, do it for the glory of God." My purpose in life it to serve Him and through music and other talents, I will give the glory to Him. Nature is a beautiful gift, in my opinion, that God has given us in order to enjoy His colorful creation. Everytime I look at the millions of stars, see the painted sunset, or come across a unique flower, I am amazed at His splendor. Therefore, I want to share His splendor and glory with everyone else. I want to be innocently His...