A few days ago, I was telling my mom of some of my friends, who tell dirty jokes, and don't live a holy life. I was so frustrated, that they just didn't get it! Don't they understand how perverted they're being? Don't they understand that God wrote the Bible, and that Christianity is more than just being a good person? Don't they get it, that you can't go to Heaven by works, and that Hell exists when we don't believe in God? They don't get it.
What I failed to realize, is my own judgmental attitude! It's God's place to judge, not mine. He alone holds the power of judgment and will completely take care of that on Judgment Day. I'm not perfect. I don't live a "holy life" either. Yes, I will go to Heaven when I die because I follow Christ, but I'm no better than they are in sin. Romans 3:23 "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." All doesn't signify some, it doesn't mean, only non-believers. No! All. Every human being on the face of the planet. And I'm certainly no exception.
My mom told me that pride and being judgmental is one of the worst sins. It's how Satan, the highest angel, fell! He thought he was better than God, and his pride caused his fall. Now, part of the reason I failed to realize my own pride, is because it wasn't as obvious as a cocky attitude. I am actually very insecure sometimes (I'm praying for God to give me more confidence). When I go to school, I don't feel popular, or pretty, or even smart. I feel like an outcast who doesn't fit in, and is shy to share her faith for fear of losing friends (I am bold in my faith, but don't share it like I should). That's not exactly pride, is it? But, it's all about your inner attitude. When I look down on nonbelievers for being ignorant, or "horrible people," I myself am committing sin, worse than theirs!
Humility is tricky. Once you think you're humble, you're not, because you think you are, which is prideful! Talk about a confusing statement.
Matthew 23:12 (NIV)
"For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself
will be exalted."
This is such an encouraging verse, for both sides. I am judgmental. I admit it! But, I'm glad that God promises to humble me. Perhaps one day I'll learn to be humble (but I won't actually realize it...). Then God will exalt me! Either way, God has it under control. Right now He's teaching me to not think of myself as better than anyone. Because I'm not! I get angry at my family sometimes. I'm not always 100% of the time nice. I don't do everything in love, as God says. And I certainly am not very humble.
~Thanks Father for reminding me of my sin. I needed an evaluation check. :) Please forgive me for my sins. I want to repent and turn to you! Humble me, Lord.
Romans 14:10 (NIV)
"You, then, why do you judge your brother? Or why do you look down on your
brother? For we will all stand before God's judgment seat."
-Repentance picture from Google. I thought it accurately described how I feel. I was going the wrong way, and now God put a big "Wrong Way!" sign in front of me. Thanks again God! I needed that.
-If you're interested, see previous post on humility: David-a role model for humility
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