The most phenomenal thing happened tonight. It's certainly supernatural, and definitely GOD. All I can say is "GOD IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" After I went to youth group tonight, my friend let me try on her prom dresses (I'm going to prom this year with a Chinese exchange student). They were gorgeous. She was even sweet enough to give one to me! :) When she walked me to my car, we were talking about the FCA Lock-In this Friday. There are 56 signed up! We just hope that someone might get saved, because there are going to be many non-believers. Just after I got done saying that, I saw a flash of green light in the corner of my eye. It looked like a gargantuan firework. I pointed and showed my friend (she didn't even notice it). It was the MOST MAGNIFICENT thing EVER. It was a COMET!!!!!!! :D It was so close and so real that I thought it was like a meteor that would make a crater in the nearby neighborhood. But when it's time was up, it slowly faded away... I KNEW IT WAS GOD. I honestly felt God's presence as the cool wind blew and the stars glistened in perfect harmony with the brilliant green comet. How can someone see that and not immediately think God?
Psalm 19:1-2 "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge"I know it's a common verse, and cliche for me. But God's word never fades or grows old. Every time I read a verse it speaks to me differently - that's because the Word of God is living and constantly revealing itself to different people. I am soooooooooooo thankful God knows me. But I am even more blessed to know Him. :) I serve the God of the UNIVERSE. Nothing is more powerful. There is no greater love. God - THANK-YOU for that comet. You clearly spoke to me tonight. Let your glory shine for the WORLD!
Immediately after the comet faded, I told my friend we should pray. I knew God was standing beside me, enjoying my awe. I prayed that He might work miracles at the Lock-In. That we might plant seeds and He might make them grow. (1 Corinthians 3:7). I felt God's power at that moment. I knew I was invincible and nothing could stop me! At that moment, there wasn't anything that would make me turn around. "As for me and my family, we will serve the Lord." I KNOW God exists. If that comet isn't proof, then my life is. God works miracles every day. There are no such thing as coincidences. God placed that comet in the sky specifically for me. I know so. :) Thank-you JESUS!
The second I got in the car, this song began playing. Again, definitely a God thing. ;) This song displayed the exact feeling I got after the comet. I am invincible! (Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through him who strengthens me")
-Green comet picture from Google. My comet looked almost EXACTLY like this. Except WAY closer and WAY more real. It was HUGE. And the most MAGNIFICENT thing in the UNIVERSE. ;)
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