Gorgeous yellow flower!

Gorgeous yellow flower!
Picture taken by Bubbly :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bubbly, future author

This past week/couple of months I've been in an artsy mood. I've been successful in writing, drawing, taking pictures, singing, writing songs, and playing the violin. It's kind of strange because I don't consider myself an artist, nor an author, or a musician. They're just "hobbies." Nevertheless, it's gotten me thinking about a future career...

What if I aspired to be an author? Is it even possible? Sometimes I have doubts, but for now that occupation is a distant fantasy and dream... I mean, how would I have the time to write? Do I have enough talent to get published? I mean, who wants to read a non-fiction Christian book full of my rambling thoughts? Is that what God wants? Well, for now I'm just going to "go with the flow." I still have another year of high school! Fortunately I have plenty of time to think about these things, but for now I am going to embrace my right brain talents. Did you know that I haven't drawn a picture since 8th grade? And before that it was probably 3rd grade! For whatever reason I decided to start again. I just took some of my pictures (the ones of flowers that I have on this blog!) and drew pictures/sketches of them. It was actually fun! I may just have some talent in the arena of art. ;) I'm starting to think that, even though God blessed me with both right and left brain intelligence, I certainly enjoy the right brain side more. Does that mean I should just stick with a language arts major?

My parents said I should always keep my options open and continue with math and science. "You never know," they tell me. I don't really like math or science though! It's usually more complicated when you're decent at all subjects. Sometimes I just wish God would have chosen one gift and let me excel at that one career... but instead He gave me many and said "Okay - pick ONE!" If there is that "perfect" job out there for me, it would not simply utilize one gift, but instead all of them! Do you know of an occupation that involves music, nature, and God? I know - blogging! You see? That's my point. Writing seems like one of my only options if I were to stick with most of my gifts, because you can write about anything! I love that idea. Especially since I never like to decide on one thing, I usually compromise. But is compromise good? When it comes to faith, there is no compromise... at least on the big topics. Either Jesus died for your sins or not! Either you believe in the Bible or not! (Although, I feel like people always try to stretch the truth and make it more complex...)

Anyway, with all of these thoughts roaming through my head on any given day, it's difficult to concentrate on God's will. I found one example in 1 Corinthians:

1 Corinthians 14:12 (NIV)

"So it is with you. Since you are eager to have spiritual gifts, try to excel in gifts that build up the church."

What really matters in the end is spiritual gifts. I think it's already cool how God gives each individual special talents and gifts, but for the believer, He also adorns us with spiritual gifts! By spiritual gifts, I mean things like the gift of teaching (like a pastor), serving, administration and leadership, evangelizing/witnessing, and others like the gift of music for worship. Basically, all of the gifts that contribute to an effective church. Just like Paul mentions in 1 Corinthians chapter 12, about how the church is a body of Christ - each part useful for carrying out God's will.

But what I'm "scheming" is combining all of my gifts for God's will - which is what we're supposed to do, right? I think writing would be the perfect way to use all of my gifts, including spiritual. Just imagine - writing books to instruct others in growing in their relationship with God! Or books of encouragement for devotionals. It would fun to write for a magazine or a company also. Oh - just think about it! Well... whatever God's will is, I'll do it. :) But for now, this is a "dream" job.

"Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31

-Bubbly, future author ;)

(Picture taken by Bubbly... it's one of the results of this random artsy mood I'm currently in. ;) It's not my best work, but I think it's a start! Right now I'm merely experimenting with pencil and paper)

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